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"Stormin" leaves LOMAC, what next??

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Man, I'm starting to feel LOMAC is cursed. :(


Carl's announcement today was a surprise, to say the least. I wish him only the best, I've learned in my own life that sometimes you just gotta re-prioritize things, and it's sounds like that's what he's doing. After all, there are a lot more important things in life than this hobby we call simming.


But this has got to be a pretty big upheaval for the team. I wonder what kind of delay this is going to cause? We've already had several staff changes that caused delays in the past.


I know my fingers are crossed here... :(

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This was sudden and unexpected...good luck in what every you do Carl! I guess all we can do is sit and wait to see what happens next...

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Yeah, it was kinda sudden. I hope it was under good circumstances (his departure from UBI Soft I meen).


Still I hope that LOMAC gets finished up soon!



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