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"The Man From LOX"

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"The Man From LOX" was a training film that the Navy used for anyone who worked with or around liquid oxygen. The film was fairly short, but was quite funny because of the characters in it. The movie features some airman towing a liquid oxygen cart to get it filled. On the way, he gets distracted by several people, including a bikini-clad girl who attempts to get the airman to go have some fun. He keeps repeating that he can't because his supervisor would have his a.s.s. During the original release of the film, it showed a woman taking off her bra from under her shirt, and placing it in a drip pan filled with LOX. The purpose was to show how quickly something would burn, if saturated with LOX. At the end of the film, it shows the young airman pulling up to the LOX plant, and the supervisor comes up, takes off HER hat, and says, "Sailor, I am going to have your a.s.s.! Well, the Political Correctness crowd got wind of this film and made them edit out the bra-burning, and all references to "having someone's a.s.s." Of course, this ruined the film totally. At the conclusion of the film, it shows a brief scene from a hospital of someone who was burned terribly from a LOX explosion. All in all, the original film was definitely a great training device.


I found a place on the net who actually has this movie. It is at:




The video is called: "Not SOP" The "Man From LOX" is one of the films on the tape, and I was assured that it is the original version. Cost is about $25.



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I forgot to mention that if anyone goes to the site, the film "Not SOP" is not listed in their inventory. I called them on the phone, and found out they had it when I asked about "The Man From LOX"



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