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Can't export from Max - 3wExporter.dlu seems not to work

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Hi all!


I just downloaded the ThirdWire-Exporter and copied the 3wExporter.dlu to 3D Max plugin directory. But for some reason I can not find the StrikeFighters-Format in the export options.

Also there is no export-tool available on the utilities-tab.


So what could be wrong?


I have 3D Studio Max 3.1 running on Windows ME.




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I have heard people are having problems with 3DSM 3.1's exporter. It dosent work correctly. Third Wire have used 3DSM 4.2 for their models.


To access the exporter you have to click on the "hammer icon" and add it to the list options by clicking on the "window liked icon".


You now get a new window. Add a new button (you can set it easily by increasing the "total button" numbers.


To the left you can browes down till you find the "Thirwires" plugin.

Drag it to the empty button you just created.


To export your model you go to the "Hammer icon" and by clicking on the "thirdwires" button you get a few options.

choose "Export - No decals"


Hope it helps

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Thank you for your reply.


I did everything like you say but I cant find the Exporter in the Utilities-List. Maybee it doesn't like German OS (but MAX is Ennglish version) or maybee I have an corrupted download of the plugin.

Or perhaps I have to reinstall Max.


I hope it is not a general problem with Max 3.1 because I don't like to buy an update only for this plugin.





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You should still be able to see the plugin in the utility list.

I think this 3DSM 3.1 problem is "general" so to speak. I need I can't say for sure though. I have only talked with LvP that once used 3DSM. I think TK also once said that a new version of the 3.1 plugin might be comming sometime in the future. But dont quote me on that, its so long ago now and my memory are blurry. Would be good if you could confirm if there are problems ;)


The plugin should be in 3DSMPlugin. The reson you can't see the plugin..

hmm the only thing that comes to my mind if is you have loaded the 4.0 plugin insted of the 3.1 plugin, they are named the same.


oh... you could try to enter your plugin manager and load the plugin manually and then try to add it from the utilities.

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Hmmm ...

It realy seems to be a general problem with Max 3.1.

It simply does not load the plug-in I think.

It is the correct (3.1) plugin, put to 3dsmax/plugins folder but if I open the utility-list it isn't available there.

A plug-in manager to manualy load a plug-in is not available in Max 3.1 I think - or at least I have never seen one (but maybee I was blind). But perhaps there is an plug-in-manager-plugin ;)


I also did read something about a Max 4 plugin not working under Windows ME ... maybee Windows ME is the reason for the not working 3wExporter.dlu, too.




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