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NAS Cecil Field Florida, Remembered

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I visited the former location of NAS Cecil Field, FL this past weekend. The base was closed due to BRAC in 1998. So sad. This once great and powerful Master Jet Base is all but a shell of its previous glory. I was stationed at NAS Cecil Field for 9 years, from 1981 to 1990, with three different squadrons.


I drove around the base, taking pictures of buildings that are either in total disrepair, or are being torn down. The hangars appear to be in good condition, however, and some are actually being used for rework of aircraft.


The Chief Petty Officer club is being gutted. It was there that I went through initiation, and attended many wonderful events. It saddened me to see the condition it is in.


Progress has its purpose, but it is never easy to see the destruction of things and places that meant so much in my life.


To top things off, I learned that the first supervisor I had in the Navy at Pax River, MD passed away 1 1/2 years ago.


AMEC(AW) Ward, USN Retired

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Cant beleive they'd close Cecil field... I was born near there. :( That would be like closing North Island here in San Diego, a MAJOR landmark with a LOT of meaning and memories to a LOT of people, sheesh. It sucked when they closed the Naval Training Center here where I went to boot. I drive past it every now and then, and always remember my time there and the swell guys I started the Navy with. I guess the one constant in life is change. I found out that BOTH ships I served on have been decommissioned too. Guess thats a sure sign times are changin' and me with 'em. All you can do is hope, (and fight if nessesary), that the change is for the better. I guess what Im sayin is that I sorta know how ya feel chief...


Sorry too to hear about your old supervisor chief.

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Wow Chief,

Brings back memories, the hangars look like they did 20 years ago! I was planning to visit back in 97-98 before the close but never got around to it, wish I had now. Best years in my life! Rumor was back then that they were going to turn it into an international cargo hub for FedEx and UPS? That must have been nixed? Could explain why the hangars were kept in such good shape. BTW, I heard that rumor when I called the base back in 97 to see if I could come and reminisce a little. I think they mentioned it on Cecil's old website too. Sometimes I like to fly from Norfolk to Cecil in an A-7 (fs2002 w/ flight deck 2) just for the memories.


Remember the car garage? Complete with hydraulic lifts? I rebuilt my bike motor there. Cecil had everything. Its a shame they closed it.


Thanks for the pics,


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@ NAS Brunswick, Maine just after I was getting out in 94 they made all the clubs consolidated. The O Club, Chiefs Club, and E Club became one. They then Changed the BOQ to house Chiefs and O's. NAS Brunswick Maine has dodged the bullet but they sweat each round of base closures. Never made it Cecil Field, when I was in JAX (1990) I did 4 month's with VP-30, my off time was spent at the "Road House" 1700-0200 shooting darts for four months...man what a blast! OK I did not graduate in the top of the RAG class, but I did become a pretty good Dart Shark :D


This year they made it so civilians (like myself) can get to the golf course without going on the Base.




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Wow Chief, I was stationed at Cecil for 3 years. I knew it got shut down, but its really wierd to see those pics and how run down it is. Do you have any others?

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