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Aim Points ?

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When I fly IL-2 I am a good marksman - a better shot than a pilot even.


In this sim I find myself spraying and praying more often than not as I am not sure what spot the bullets are traveling to. Anyone have some advice, specifically for the DV/Va and the DVIIs??


Any help would be appreciated.



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What I do to try to determine where the guns are shooting, is to fire off a stream of tracers against a section of clear blue sky to see where they are going in relation to the gunsight crosshair. You can then adjust your your point of impact by adding the following line to the individual model's data.ini.








LightPosition= 0.06,0.85,0.51

AimAngles=-3.9,-1.5,0.0 < Add This Line..........






MaxExtentPosition=0.12, 0.80,0.59




This is from my Spad 7-180 data.ini. Each plane will be different, and if you change your cockpit Position or Offset values the gun point of impact will have to be re-adjusted again. The middle number is the up/down adjustment, with a negative adjustment moving the point of impact down and a positive adjustment moving the POI up.

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... Each plane will be different, and if you change your cockpit Position or Offset values the gun point of impact will have to be re-adjusted again. ....


However, you must be aware that I think this will affect the accuracy of the AI as well. If you change the pitch aimangle values to something that makes the bullets hit the "pip" on the crosshairs according to where you "sit" in the cockpit, this will not be true to where the airplane is pointing.


As an example, I had an idea for a minor mod for Baltika's Battle of Britain campaign (see here) involving convergence of the 8 x .303 armament of the Spitfire and Hurricane armament at 250 yards, which was historically documented. I thought I could also set the guns pitch slightly to assist in leading shots, but it totally affected the accuracy of the AI. Setting the pitch back to zero resulting in the AI being on target again rather than overshooting the target.


Try it out to see if this is true.

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