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Street lights, building lights and such, Flying at night could be so much cooler! I did a search but only turned up YAP's newest venture. Any ideas for other terrains ? Has it been done before or is it too much work to add all the lights with separate ini entries?

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the light stay turned all day....

they should paid a expensive eletric bill :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Ummmm ........thats Deuces doing that!


Just another investigation/discovery project. Not sure that it will go much further. No time quite honestly.

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Hopefully they're be someone that can pick this up if Dueces can't finish it. I'm no modder minus a little ini tweaking, but I really appreciate all of the long hours you all put into this. The entertainment is endless. I look forward to checking CombatACE out on a daily basis. Often there's something new to download and other times you can just browse the forum and maybe help someone else out thats having difficulty-vista, ugh! Anyways my hats off to you guys that make this sim so enjoyable:clapping:

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