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Siemens-Schuckert speed adjustment

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Hello all,


Flying the Siemens-Schuckert, it seems somewhat underpowered, it does only about 145 km/h while it should do about 180 km/h, I think. Fooling around in the aircraft's data.ini hasn't solved the problem. Is there someone who can help me out ? It would be appreciated very much. I'm using FE+patch+Expansion Pack1 and peter01's FM's. Thank you.




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The tack I would take would be to incrementally lower the CD0 (profile drag) of each part of the airplane until I arrived values that adjusted the speed to what I felt was correct. Whenever you change the drag however, you'll change other aspects of performance like climb rate, etc., so you need to be careful. It's all interconnected, so any change you make will affect the whole, so you'll have to flight test your result in different flight attitudes, to find the right balance. Hope this helps,



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Hello Heck,


Thanks for the tip, I 'll give it a try.




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heres the Siemens-Schuckert D.III Data.ini compared to the stock Dr.1 and the 150 camel


the D.III CD0(drag overall) does look a little high, (in comparison)

the camel looks a little low to me (the Dr.1 has highish aspect wings and no wires so should be lowish)

the D.III CDL(lift overall) looks low compared to the other two and CLa looks high (probably to compensate fop the low CDL)

the other thing you can play with is the PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableData under the [engine ] in the data ini

Dr.1 is a touch higher

and can have quite an affect on top speed

good luck


Edited by p10ppy

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Damn! I had forgotten all about the fm tool. Great tool. The version I have doesn't look like the one you posted? My download is v0.3. Is that the latest version? Or is there one newer? It's a tremendous contribution, because it makes data.ini comparison much easier. A must have.



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Glad you like it :-)


Pretty sure you have the latest

I just grabbed the closest to hand when i did the comparison

So i mite have used an old one :blush:


I cut it up in PS to so as to make a smaller pic (makes it look a little different)

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Hello gentlemen,


I finally resolved the 'problem' with another option. I took the data from the Pfalz D.8 ( same engine, same 4 bladed prop but more HP ). So in the Data.ini //engines I changed:


ReferenceName=Siemens-Halske ShIII 160 HP


ReferenceName=Siemens-Halske SHIII 160 HP (rated 200HP)

















MaxPropRPM=1500 ( this is just a little bit to much, adjust to your liking)


Finally, as the Siemens-Schuckert and the Albatros DVa have about the same speed I put in the Albatros's max Speed value:





And now she flies like a bat outta hell !!




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Guest capun
Hello gentlemen,









MaxPropRPM=1500 ( this is just a little bit to much, adjust to your liking)





Just in case, the Slow/Fast Prop RPM are just for visual effects only. That is the speed where the Static, Slow and Fast mesh/texture work.

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