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Battlefield DVD Series

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I'm not sure how many of you are fellow Battlefield fans. This was a British series produced in the late 90s that in my opinion is some of the best WWII documentaries I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot.) They did a good job of mixing maps, biographical sketches of national and military leaders with decent amounts of contemporary footage.


In any event, since I first saw them on PBS I have been trying to find the series on DVD (or VHS even) and have not had a lot of luck. There are numerous UK stores that sell them but then you are dealing with DVD format issues, etc.


I had about given up when I received a recent copy of the catalog from Historic Aviation.com and they had a couple of the episodes for sale.


Further searches on bestbuy.com and suncoast.com had several of the episodes available and more coming.


Anyway, not sure if anyone really cares, but good fortune should be shared...... :wink:

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Amazon.co.uk lists a number of Battlefield DVDs available, I had a look and I agree they look interesting.


Edit. Just noticed you are in USA so they may not be compatible, sorry.





Edited by Norrie

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Thanks! Yes, I saw those, too, and was actually in the process of ordering when I stumbled across the compatibility issue.

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I have the VHS set; got the vids at the local mall about the time they were first released, I think. But I haven't seen a DVD version of the set locally. I hope they've fixed the typographical errors for the DVD release.

Edited by Tristan

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