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Junkers D.I - where to put Pilot folder ?

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Hello gentlemen,


A nice clean re-install and putting the add-on planes back into the game. Unzipping the Junkers DI package there are 3 folders: JunkersD1, Sounds and Pilot. The aircraft is into the game, the sounds also but the pilot isn't shown in the game while flying. Can somebody tell me where to put the Pilot folder to let the pilot be shown ingame ? Thanks.




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Hello gentlemen,


I'm sorry to have bothered you guys. Problem solved. I put in Peter01's updated FM for the JunkersD1 and tested it ingame and now the aircraft has a pilot ( !? ).




Edited by Tooner

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The contents of the pilot folder go in the main Aircraft folder. There is a section in each aircraft data.ini that defines which pilot model to use.


// Crew ---------------------------------------








MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,-0.85,0.9


This example points to a "stock" pilot model. Custom pilot models may be used by changing the PilotModelName= to the appropriate model name. The components of the custom model (LOD, BMP, and INI) must be placed in the Aircraft folder for the custom model to work. Again thats the general Aircraft folder and not the specific aircraft folder itself. The stock pilot model files are already in the .cat file so you won't see them in the Aircraft folder.

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