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Coming in Hot! Patch Version 1.1b has been released

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MadJeff, maybe this is front page worthy? Check out www.il2sturmovik.com

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rgr that, submit a story for me? I'll post it as soon as you do... ;)

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Never mind, I posted it. :D

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Haha, too bad, I just got done submitting the news story. Didn't know I could do that before, or I would have.

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Just got done testing it out for a sec. They definately got the perfect settings tweaked. I'm running a good 30 - 40 fps with em. Can't tell yet about anything else.


I was a tad disappointed there wasn't even one addon aircraft released, but oh well.

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From what I've heard, there's supposed to be an add-on aircraft pack released in a couple of weeks.

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I agree SD, wish at least one aircraft woulda been released with the patch. But near as I can tell, howling is right. There are so many conflicting accounts at UBI forums its hard to tell. Oleg DID say the plane pack would be free, dont know if that still holds.


But Im mighty glad the patch finally made its appearance. I've noticed the FLAK isnt as deadly. Ive got a homegrown mission against ships that was death for anything that flew into gun range that Im gonna try as a final eval of the FLAK accuracy, but I think they've definately toned it down. The P-47 now dives like it should from what Ive read of actual pilots accounts in my history books. I dove from 5000 meters and got to moving! Didnt check the airspeed as the ground came up way fast! Had to get around to pulling back on the ole stick... :roll: Definately a boom and zoom plane now. My framerates are definately higher too with my older Radeon 8500.

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With my new Alienware, at 4x FSAA and 4x AA I can run FB on the excellent settings at a good 65 fps, on average. I can average 35 - 40 on perfect, but unfortunately I experience the shudders and occasional skips that used to plague Il-2 and FB. I can live with silky smooth excellent settings very easily.


One thing I would definately recommend to any Radeon users. If you've upgraded to 3.6 Catalyst drivers, go ahead and redownload the 3.4's and extract the atioglxx.dl_ file to your FB directory. It adds at least 10 fps, seriously.

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Guest MrMudd

Well i installed the patch, lol but my disk 2 is damaged...


Not able to play without the cd. :cry:

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