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Does anyone know where I can find weapons for WW2 aircraft, or is the best option to change the aircraft DATA.ini files to post-war equivalent weapons?

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Bunyap's Weapons pack is your starting point. Install that first, it has most of the WW2 stuff included. It's in the d/l section here at CA. Some of the WW2 Add-on planes, tanks etc have weapons you have to add by using the weapon editor, but those will be explained in the individual readme.


Check out The Wrench's comprehensive guide to updating loadout.inis in the KB here to see what you have to do to get your WW2 birds up to date. Mainly it's a question of changing the Attachment Type= flag in in the A/C_data.ini.


Good luck :biggrin:

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I installed the pack, and checked out the gundata.ini file, the weapons don't seem to be there (I am speaking of internal guns)

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which guns???? I'm assuming the Axis powers are missing?? All the Allies stuff is pretty stock (30, 50, 20mm etc). The 303 gundata info should be in Hurri's (or Spitfire) readme somewhere


Tell me what you'r missing...and I'll see what I can do. Buny's pak should have all the guns needed.



kevin stein

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So, we're just dealing with ETo???


Let me zip up my gundata ini and dat -- I've changed a couple of sounds, so I'll include the wavs. The 50 uses one by fubar.. I think it's a real Ma Deuce. It'll include the Japanese and French as well (the 7.5 browning used on the Hawk 75)


I'll post a link later



kevin stein



EDIT -- heres the link


ww2 gun stuff


be advised, 2 of the inis I've put there are for WoE; I don't know if WoI has changed the missileobject ini and/or bulletobject.ini. Don't forget to use the effects in bunypak



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