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Pit request @Kukulo/Boopidoo

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Hi..I`m workin on a repant of your great Su-7 pit and I have a request maybe you`ve read my posts in the Su-7 pit thread.


What I would like to see is this one engine pit with middlebar on the top like the original su15 pit .. so we could use it in the mig 17 and a 2 engine pit of the current version for a mig 19 ... so we could have the green one and a grey one if you give me the permission to repiant and release it ...


The repainted su-7 pit will be ready this weekend, :good:

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This is comin now this weekend a final version of the mig29G



And the pit hope to get other versions of your great pit!!!



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I have read about your repaint idea, of course :yes:


But no single engine version with middlebar on the top like the original su15 pit is not planned. We are waiting for Paladrians Mig-17 pit and for Mig-15 pit too (from another modder. Mig-15 is usable in Mig-17 too). And I haven't got Boopidoos definitive answer about Su-15TM cockpit adaptation to Mig-19S cockpit for this time.


What is really planned is new update for Su-7BM cockpit with fixed details, in the near future. I personally hope that Boopidoo will adapt Su-15 cockpit to Mig-19S cockpit with Paladrians ASP-5ND gunsight. And there is repaint needed necessary. Your gray repaint (in upper post) is very nice and usable for Mig-19S, I think.


So my answer is wait for another Boopidoos Su-15 adaptation project (there will be another here on CA I hope). Than you will see what kind of repaint is needed.


PS: your Mig-29G looking veeeeery interesting :yes: And very good idea with Su-27 cockpit adaptation. Keep your good work :wink:


BTW: have you seen USAFMTLs Mirage factorys Mig-29A screeshot in Screenshot of the month topic?



Another Mig incoming :biggrin:


We will have Mig invasion here. You have Mig-29G, Gerald14 an me will finish Mig-21MA and R versions soon I hope, MF Mig-29A, Mig-15...

Edited by kukulino

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The MF Mig-29 is great! Damn sexy Modell if i hadn`t a girl friend .. I would go to the Airforce and fly around until I get old and grey!!! For sure... So I have your ok to release this pit or should i refer to the permission post and give you credit. :happy:

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About permission:

I need consult it with Boopidoo. :yes:

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I don`t know, I used it only for a repaint job. Can understand your position, it`s "your" work! The pit was used in the Su-27 and now with a decent repaint job by me in the old Mig-29G modell.

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I was thikin about to release the whole pit so it`s easier to install than download another one. I personally never liked those addons where you have to download a lot of other things to get it to work. I`m not a person who want`s to be in the spot light just made something for personal use, find it good and now I want to share it :smile:

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