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First I thought the Ctds were isolated to Strike missions, but I tried a CAP and it turns out its the airbase Nevatim B i think. Any ideas.


Now its crashing all the time I must have bungled real bad. Ok Im going to do this again. False alarm.

Edited by Stick

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Its the strangest thing -I run another terrain, say ANW then come back and it runs fine.

Vista tells me the fault module is the MissileObjectdll.


So I havent done anything wrong, it does run. Kevin Im sorry about the Pms and the wild airbase theories.


But why after another terrain?

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Flying over another terrain should make ABSOLUTELY no difference....of course, I'm not using f*&king Vista either! And never will!!! :rofl:


I'm assuming you didn't follow the instructions EXACTLY as stated in the readme, otherwise you'd not be having these problems.


Go over them again, expecially the bits about terrain tiles and cat pointers. Your PMs were a little unclear as the actual probem. I'm assuming you DON'T have one of the other games??? Or if you do, which cat pointer are you using? If you're one of the poor shmuck's with only WoV, there's a WHOLE section there just for you :wink:


As for Vista, there's another whole section for you all; re-read it and double check the Isreal2_DATA.ini for the shader effects.


That (hopefuly!!! :blink: ) will get you straightened out and flying right!!


btw, 'missileobject.dll' faults pertain to a missing weapon; and not to the terrain.



kevin stein

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Must only be you Blackbird!!! :rofl:


no, just kidding!!!


Here's everything below the introductory opening paragraphs, the actual install instructions



== Install Instructions: ==


---You MUST have Gepard's Isreal2 terrain already installed for this to work -- it it NOT a full terrain--

Hope you get the point, as many times as I repeat it!!!


As I always reccomend, unzip "isreael2_upgrade" to a temp director that's easy to find.


= BACKUP THE FOLLOWING ORIGINAL INIS; this will allow for full restoration, if for some reason, you don't like this mod. The easiest way to create backups, is to simply reanme them "ori-***.ini", where *** is the original name of the ini. Another way is to create a new folder within the Isreal2 folder, name it "BACKUP", and just move the listed inis into there.


Inis to Back up are:








After your renaming expedition, simply copy/paste, move or however you do it, the unzipped contents to the "Israel2" folder. This IS built with WoI in mind, so...there you go.


Take any folders from the "Add_to_GroundObjects_folder", and ... you guessed it ... copy/paste them into the GroundObjects folder. This will be the 2 infantry units.


If you have another gundata ini & gundata.dat in your /Object folder, back them up by renaming them to

'bak_gundata.ini' and



then copy/paste, move or however, the ones I've supplied into the /Objects folder. It has just about every gun now out, excepting perhaps the BK-27 from the Grippen.


Place the 'patrolboat.wav' into the /Sounds folder; put the 'PATROLBOAT_DATA.INI' into the PatrolBoat folder.


Place the 'CoolingTowerEffect.ini' in the /Effects folder.


NOTE: if you haven't already, PLEASE get the Pakso SAMs and Vehicle Pak Desert Skins, from either CombatAce or my site...there are many, many things in there you're going to need for this map. And want, for historical purposes, of course.




: CATs and Tiles :


For those with SF and WoE, you can simply use the tiles supplied with the original Israel2 download. They will work just fine in your WoI install, as long as you follow the instructions below as to CAT pointers. There are some visual anomalies, and I've tried to fix them as best I could ... tiles is still not my thing, but this will help out a bit. I'm hoping someone will eventually fix the slight color differences on one of the 'flugplaz' tiles. I've matched to 2 desert ones, it's the mottled green that still a problem. You can just copy/paste them directly into the Isreal2 terrain folder. You'll find them in the "for_gepards_terrain_tiles" folder. There are 3 repainted tile bmps in there.

Simply copy/paste them into the Isreal2 terrain folder. If prompted to "Overwrite?", just say yes.


Just MAKE DOUBLE DAMN SURE YOU HAVE COPIED THE "DESERT" and/or "GERMANYCE'' TERRAIN FOLDERS INTO YOU WoI /Terrain's main folder. You =MUST= have these folders IN WoI for it to work. I can't stress that enough...


Of course, you can still choose an alternative tileset, as reccomended below for the WoV-VietnamSEA cat users. Polak's Desert tiles seem the best way to go.


WoV users; well, you poor bastards have some extra work to do, and that's covered a little later.


IMPORTANT -- Under NO circumstances use a cat pointer line back to the IsraelME.cat. There is a completly different naming convention now in use, and you will encounter more crap than you'll want to deal with. Follow my instructions, and all will be well. Really.


-Selecting the Proper CAT file to use: WoI users with SF and/or WoE--


Right now, as stated, it's set up to use the WoE GermanyCE.cat. SF/WoE users need do nothing further at this point. Go fly! Or, read on, as there might be something interesting for you, in regards to terrain tiles; its your choice to keep the originals, or use Polak's Desert Tiles. If you have the SF desert cat, go ahead and use them. (it just that Polak's look better around the Nile Delta -- I mean, really..it looks like the photos in Google Earth!!


Open the Israel2.ini in your text editor of choice....

As you can see in the example below, copied directly from the Israel2.ini, all the needed cat pointer lines are listed, just not activated....



TerrainFullName=Israel 2

DataFile=Israel 2_data.INI

TargetFile=Israel 2_targets.INI

TargetTypeFile=Israel 2_types.INI

MovementFile=Israel 2_movement.INI

NationsFile=Israel 2_nations.INI

BriefingText=Israel 2_briefing.INI

DogfightFile=Israel 2_dogfight.INI








You'll note the commented out lines for SF desert.cat and WoV's VietnamSEA.cat. You just simply 'uncomment' them - remove the double slashes (//), and add them to the GermanyCE line. It should look like the examples below:


For SF:






Same thing for WoE users:






Don't forget to copy over those repainted terraintiles!!!


You shouldn't have any problems getting it to work.... if you do, you've simply not followed instructions.



Notes for Owners of WoV & WoI -Only- Owners:


Like I said above, you poor schmucks have a bit more work to do. Using this terrain, AS IS, with the cat pointer to the VietnamSEA.CAT, will cause a CTD with a 'terrainengine.dll' fault. This is something to do with the tiling,and can't be fixed without a TOTAL rebuild of the ENTIRE terrain HFD, TFD and other stuff I don't understand...


The easist and simplest way is to just replace the existing, original terrain tiles with something else. For this I reccomend using Polack's Desert Tileset. There are a few issues, that I've seen; mostly at the 'corners' where the transition tiles are, either the desert/farm or desert/city units. Instead of smooth curves, they're right angle changes of color/texture. This is livealbe, for now; hopefully someone will figure it out -- I'm just the 'targets ini guy'....I can't retile a terrain.


So...in the Isreal2.ini, make sure you cat pointer is as follows (and also MAKE DOUBLE DAMN SURE THE "VIETNAMSEA" TERRAIN IS IN YOUR WoI's /TERRAIN FOLDER!!!



TerrainFullName=Israel 2

DataFile=Israel 2_data.INI

TargetFile=Israel 2_targets.INI

TargetTypeFile=Israel 2_types.INI

MovementFile=Israel 2_movement.INI

NationsFile=Israel 2_nations.INI

BriefingText=Israel 2_briefing.INI

DogfightFile=Israel 2_dogfight.INI








You'll see that we have activated the VietnamSEA.cat to be used.

So, I assume at this point, you've already gotten Polak's Desert Tile set from CombatAce.. here's the direct link to it, for those too lazy to go look for themselves ;)




There is ALSO a small issue with some of the terrain tiles; along the Suez Canal and one of the 'flugplatz' tiles. I've supplied repainted ones in the "For_polaks_desert_tiles" folder. Simply copy/paste them into the Isreal2 terrain folder. If prompted to "Overwrite?", just say yes.


For All Users:

Do NOT, under any circumstances try to use the stock IsraelME terrain tiles -- they will NOT work, and will cause all sorts of visual anomolies and general strangeness.




---= Notes for Vista Users=---


With the water effects turned on in the data ini, you'll probably experience CTDs when either exiting a mission or at mission start. As we all know, this is a pretty easy fix, by eliminated the shader effects....


In the Isreal2_Data.ini, look for the following lines














Simply comment out the Shader and Effect lines; it should look like this after your edits:














*Note: you can always change the UseEffectShader= to FALSE, and this will also work (thanks to FastCargo for that fix!)


This will eliminate the CTDs caused by the shaders.



kevin stein

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Kevin Ive tried it with the old types and targets ini's that came with the update for the terrain and it runs fine. So Im going to compare both, the one that came with your update and the previous one.(v 2.1)

Im on WOE;catpointer on GermanyCE; didnt tamper with that, left it as it came-on vista, shaders off;only standard procedure.

Edited by Stick

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