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Missing weapons/textures on the UH-60E

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Hi, I am using the beautiful Skunkworks Sikorsky UH-60 BlackHawk with ESSS (by 3D Gunpoint, capun, CB Productions, The Wrench, Charles, and Kesselbrut), and I love the addition!!! :clapping:


Only problem is, when I am selecting the gunpods or rocketpods or whatever is on the pylons, the weapons fire but the model/textures do not fully appear. Can someone point me in the right direction to begin my troubleshooting, please...





Edited by swambast

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Not sure how to delete the original post, but for the benefit of others who may be interested the fix is to use the mighty Bunyap's Weapons Pack, details here: http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Weapons_Pack


Now, the problem is for those users with Yankee Air Pirate, because in their instructions they specifically state "Do not run the Weaponspack Installer." Since I don't know what Bunyap's program actually changes, I don't know what impact this would have on YAP users - YOU ARE WARNED!!!


(Personally, I wish YAP did a better job at expanding it's compatibility with Bunyap's Weapons Pack, the new Brain/Green Hell terrains that are out, etc.)

Edited by swambast

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I'm pretty sure YAP is designed as a stand-alone mod; NOT to mixed with anything else (if so, could one of the YAP Team please clarify?, since I don't have it.)


You shouldn't mix and match. What you're screenies show, is you are missing the LOD (the physical 3d model) for the needed weapons.


I'd suggest running YAP in a stand alone version of WoV (see the KB for 'creating a stand-alone install'), and have regular copies of your game for 'general usage'.


Bestest, safest and smartest way to avoid conflicts with mods.


as to editing, you'll see the little button at the bottom of the post, called "EDIT"...you can make your changes from there.



kevin stein

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Thank you Kevin - just so happens that I'm confident your advice is solid and good. You're right - I'm going to continue to use YAP as a stand-alone install (for now), that would make the most sense. But, it just so happens that I'm an incessant "tweaker" and - well, I'll leave it at that.


My ultimate dream goal (for now): compatibility with YAP, Brain32's awesome high resolution tileset and CA_Stary's Green Hell mod.

In the meantime, I am working on (will be a long time work in progress) updating on the ini's from the bunyap weapons pack to be compatible with YAP...and guess what, I'm actually making progress! :yes:



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