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Air to Ground with rockets - tactics ?

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on my first campaign in WOI.


the mission is to destroy the AAA in a syrian airbase.


never played these sims before and since there are no tutorials, what's the recommended tactic for using rockets on ground targets ? what speed & altitude should I strike the target at ? how do I use the gunsight (Mirage) ? what is the recommended get-away path ?


any info' will be helpful.


Thanks, Oded.

Edited by oded

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Remember, the rockets will always 'fall' short of the aim point. I try to use a fairly shallow dive angle, 30-45 degrees or so. Start shoot (if you'r like me and have the little info box on.. :haha: ) at about 0.5 or 0.4 miles? out. Shoot 1 or 2 to 'get the range'.


Use a little 'Kentucky windage' (shoot slight over the target), and maybe the rockets will fall into/onto it :rolleyes: Hopefully!!!



kevin stein

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If your target is a ZSU or some other type of AAA I'd pass on getting too close as this will cause you to become swiss cheese. I've found that coming in from a high altitude( If Possible) and dropping some rockeyes or cluster bombs on them seems to work well. Or a lo-level, VERY hi speed pass dropping rockeyes, cluster bombs or snakeyes is a good option as well. :biggrin:

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I have the policy of striking an AAA at no less than 450Kt speed, preferently at 500Kt, flying any fighter. That allows me to make infimal trajectory changes that will cause the enemy gunner to miss, and with some good luck, I`ll get my half second chance to discharge a nice burst on the AAA nest. Of course, it`s better to aim and shoot from far away, but always keep high energy on the attack. Of course, beware of the angle, so you may be able to gain altitude with a wide but high speed turn for a second chance on the AAA, or the posibility for another ground target. If you strike too fast again, with low speed or with an incorrect angle, you`ll end like "swiss cheese",like Viper6 said, or making an underground flight, and that´s naturally not the idea. :P Almost the same happens attacking bombers, but I think blowing a bomber from the sky is easyer than erasing an AAA nest, cause with the bomber (f.ex.: Beagle) you don´t have the altitude problem.


All the other advices are also good, but remember always to keep high speed, to outturn the gunners.



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thanks so much !


I've prepared a tactic based on a mix of the good suggestions here (high speed, correct angle, rockets falling short of target) and on my first Go, I nailed that AAA which made "swiss cheese" out of my Mirage so many times. of course, I got greedy and tried few more passes with surprisingly good results. mission accomplished !


now I am on to my next mission and of course, have few more questions (see seperate thread).



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