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Hi, I have been trying to add a torpedo to the Il-2 variants for antiship but no go. I went into data.ini and added a torp rack station to it but won't show up. isd there anything special to add the torp to it? thanks.

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EOGR or EOGB for the weapon type???? (disremember which)



kevin stein

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Hi, it says EOGR as weapon type, but do you put the type of torpedo and does it need centering? they already have anti-ship as a mission type.

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I'm not sure I understand the question....


are you adding a new, torp only hardpoint??? Look and the Avenger, Kate, Jill, Beau, my Ar-296/Kreigsmarine Jill to see how it's done.

I'd reccomend a 'centered' hardopint (right/left centering)


You might need to create a WW2 Soviet nationalized weapon as well (copy the US Mk.13), as there ain't no Russkie torps in the wepspak.


The loadout ini would have the weapons name (the first one listed in ti's data) "WeaponFullName="



kevin stein

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Hi, Yeah i can use the weap ditor and miodify an existing torp into a russian one. As for the hardpoint. All i did was copty the Jap torp entry from the kate torpedo plane but the torp did not appear. Was therer something else i needed to put in the data ini? I thought it was just copy and paste of torp rack.

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Post the data ini's weapon stations, and the loadout ini. It sounds like you're just missing an item



kevin stein

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