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Skin/Aircraft Mods WIP screenies....

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Just few things I've been playing around with...


Somewhere over Antarcticia...protecting an Ancient outpost: (whilst the 302's are deployed 'abroad' :wink: )




Includes TailCodes for all the battlecruisers, even though the Talons are NOT endo-exo atmospheric vehicles like the Mongoose is.


This one came to me while reading this month's 'Air Force' magazine (I'm an AFA member), discussing the fact we'll be out of usable fighter aircraft somewhere between 2010-2030 (given the lack of Raptors and Lightning IIs and general aging of the Fleet...)

Something to fill the gap:




Using the stock skin; fully Americanized loadouts, some small data ini edits, etc -- expect the usual. Works in WoE and WoI.

Still have to make more decals for the tail numbers; ones I had got fouled up. 24 serials be OK??? Easier than the 50 I'd planned...getting lazy and losing interest...



kevin stein

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Talon 1?!?! OMG!!!


It's really cool dude!


And wich one is the second?

Edited by pablitoVPT

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