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Mods with the new patch

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Ok so I decided to jump in the canvas falcons and give FE another go, now that a new patch is out! Just wondering if there is any conflicts with the mods in the download section and the new Apr 2008 patch?

For example will the terrain mods still work, or the add on aircrafts?

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As far as I can tell terrain mods made for the Exp. Pack will work with the patch. I see no reason why third party terrains wouldn't work either although I haven't tried any yet.


As for the 3rd party planes, those for the EP that Peter01 has made FMs for have not been updated for the patch. Can't say how they perform in the patched version as I don't have any installed. Maybe someone who has tried them can comment.....


There is a discussion about the patch and FM compatibility here:


Read the last page....



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Thanks for the reply Tailspin, that last page on the FM is very interesting! I'm not using the EP, just a clean FE with the two patchs applied.

To answer my own question, I've quickly tested a couple of Albatros's and things are definitely screwy. I'm 'glued' to the ground and can't take off unless I use the Autopilot. There also seems to be a graphical problem with the propeller.

I'm guessing these are issues that can be .ini fixed?

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Sorry for posting two times in a row guys, but I just had to shout this on the 'virtual rooftops' as it were...


Just finished playing a 3 hour session and I can't believe what a difference that april '08 patch made! Good Lord, FE has gone from my least favorite TW game to one of my favorite combat sims ever!

Again, I don't have the expansion pack, so maybe everybody has seen the difference already, but for me this is night and day.


Big thumbs up for this patch! :good:

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