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Homeworld 2 Demo

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:shock: OMG this game is beatiful. Just one thing, its very hard and very graphically intense. But just...wow

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Demo was released today?! Gotta go grab it now... ;)

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I dont think games get any better than Homeworld. I got the demo for HW2 and its awesome. It runs real well on my P3 1ghz system with a radeon 8500 64mb card. The GUI takes a little getting used to if you are new to the game but is real similar to the original HW. Once you understand it and the camera controls, this game starts to come into its own. The ship models are very 3D and incredibly detailed and very fun to watch. The game itself plays out like a HUGE sweeping drama movie or book. The strategy used is very sublime yet critical, something Im am NOT good at by the way...no, really. One thing is a MUST and thats collect RESOURCES. Resource collection vessals are small but vital, like duece and a halfs in war. You must be able to act when new technology comes along or an opponent attacks you. Sub-systems on larger ships can be targeted which often allows weaker fighters to have a major impact in a battle by disableing a far more powerful ship, such as this Carrier Im now about to destroy, (see image), . Even if you dont play space games, give this demo a try. Its worth looking at. Try the tutorial first to give you a clue on the camera and ship controls, then start the campaign which takes you thru the first 2 "chapters" of this awesome story. You WONT be disappointed.


The demo can be had at FILEPLANET.


Here's a screen of a Vaygr CV on the run and under attack by my fighter and bomber forces who are soon to be rienforced by new units Ive just built with greater technology and firepower...BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! This screen does not do the game justice.




THIS GAME IS KEWL! Its definately one for the collection.

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Another shot taken during the tutorial showing a unit of scout ships launching from a carrier...



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Here is the screens, movies, etc. page on the Homeworld2 website. Its pretty cool, showing a number of interesting shots and clips. Watch the trailer first, well worth your time. (Can ya tell I LIKE this game?) :D



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I played it last night and was impressed. They messed with the interface just enough to make it better, the graphics are twice as detailed as the original. All in all based on the demo, I give it a :thumbup:

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