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Every once in a while WOE crashes.. Can it be that the card is too powerfull for the game ? what settings should I use ?

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If all you changed was the video card, then it is probably the video drivers that are the problem. Check Nvidia.com for the latest drivers for your card and operating system. If it turns out you are using the latest Quadro video drivers, try the next earlier set. I'm using a Nvidia 8800GT, and it is unfortunately a matter of finding the particular video driver that works best with your hardware configuration, operating system and applications. The 175.51 driver set I think is the latest Quadro set for XP 32 bit.

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  NeverEnough said:
If all you changed was the video card, then it is probably the video drivers that are the problem. Check Nvidia.com for the latest drivers for your card and operating system. If it turns out you are using the latest Quadro video drivers, try the next earlier set. I'm using a Nvidia 8800GT, and it is unfortunately a matter of finding the particular video driver that works best with your hardware configuration, operating system and applications. The 175.51 driver set I think is the latest Quadro set for XP 32 bit.


175.51 is what I have ... cant figure this one out..it has to be a setting problem :dntknw:

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the latest drivers dont always work best...for instance for whatever reason I always have to try a few different drivers before I can get the winmedia player to look right...no idea why, but that is just the way it is


you might be experiencing a similar issue and just need to try a couple of different drivers...many forums out there that pontificate verbosely in this matter...the 7-series drivers work well for many games even though they are old...but it may not work for you


hope this helps

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