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Hello TopGUn pilots *g*

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i m new user from swizerland,


Great forum here :) You have links for my wo can download great addons ? The F14 Tomcat its that plane for a download or in progress ???



Big thanks (sorry my english)



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I think the F-14 is in progress but not on the HIGH PRIORITY list. With Landable Carriers still be worked on, many of the modders are working hard towards aircraft that are closer to the Original game era.

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We need carriers with cats and arrestors. We have all these Navy planes with no carrier ops. What are the tailhooks for, extra braking when landing on a 3000 ft runway?

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That is one sweet looking aircraft..when do you plan on releasing it?

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That is one sweet looking aircraft..when do you plan on releasing it?


I am in the process of moving. There is ALOT left to be done, it all depends on how much time I get over the next little while.

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