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Is it posiible to change missile trajectory in WOE ???

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What do you mean? Be specific. How do you want to change the trajectory?



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Ha! Ha! Ha! I remembered a REAL funny case during the tests of new Russian ASM. Programmers made a mistake - in place of coordinates of ship passed in a ASM the coordinates of our plane which started it, thank heavens, it was lucky us it fallen to pieces to pieces from an extra G during a turn...


P.S. Not a Joke...

Edited by lindr2

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I think about air to ground missiles. All missiles fly directly to the target and I want that missile first go to high altitude and then fall to target with high angle.

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Look at Standard ARM data - it goes up.. and up.. and up. There must be something there.

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Open the Weapons Editor, and then open the Weapondata.ini, then find a "Missile" you want to edit. Open the data up for that weapon and then in the middle area you will see "sea-skimming", "Terminal Pop-up", and "lofted" options, with the Lofted allowing you to specify how high, at what angle both at launch and when it comes down. There's no hard and fast on what works, but requires some testing to get it "right'.

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Open the Weapons Editor, and then open the Weapondata.ini, then find a "Missile" you want to edit. Open the data up for that weapon and then in the middle area you will see "sea-skimming", "Terminal Pop-up", and "lofted" options, with the Lofted allowing you to specify how high, at what angle both at launch and when it comes down. There's no hard and fast on what works, but requires some testing to get it "right'.


I don't have somethink like "lofted" :dntknw: I think it's exist only in WOI weapon editor and I played WOE...

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Also, as far as I can tell, it doesn't work yet anyway. I'd love something like that for my Hellfires and ALARMs.



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Well yeah I use WOI, not WOE. I edited an AIM-9X like the old AGM-122 Sidearm but it didn't work too well, though the function does work. Not working well as it didn't go for the radar, guess the ARM coding is still pretty much "point and shoot"

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