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for the last couple of weeks I have been busy developping my first WOE campaign: Berlin Crisis (or WOE:BC). I am far from finished but after finally adding all the flyable aircraft, it's time to show the first (non-action) screenshots. I also keep track of my progress on my blog (introduction, update 1, update 2, update 3, update 4, update 5, update 6)


Below are the images I use as loading screens. It ain't action pics, since I am still busy adding soviet fighters to the campaign.











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Looking very good :good:


Many planes usable in your campaign for "Reds" are still WIPs: Mig-29A by MF, Su-25 by Marc and another by Amokfloo or Su-24 (I forgot who is working on it) for example too. With these birdies will be all campaigns better ballanced (but release dates are still unknown as we know).


Any helicopters too? Marcfighters Mi-8 is very usable and characteristic for WP states :good:


Campaign sound very interesting for us "Bad Guys" too :rofl:




Looking forward to your campaign. Keep your good work :clapping:

Edited by kukulino

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When does it come out


No ETA yet, a quick glance of the still to do's=

  • Add Mig-27
  • Add Su-22
  • Add Su-17
  • Add other warsaw pact aircraft
  • Add additional ground objects
  • ...


As red aircraft, the Su-22 and Su-17 are replacements untill the Su-24 and Su-25 are available. Soviet helicopters are tempting, but I'll have to run some tests to see how the campaign uses them. Naval aircraft (F-14, A-6, F-18) are not included, unless there is demand for them.


I use some Orders of Battle for NATO and Warsawpakt that I found here. The goal is to include all squadrons that would fly over Europe. I aim also to have a realistic what-if scenario (what if the Berlin Wall did not fell peacefully).


for the distribution method, I have several options:

  • one click install
  • readme in txt-format
  • extended instruction on dedicated blog


I am seriously contemplating a form of blog, since I could write it simultaneously as an extended tutorial on how to build your own campaign. But i'll decide on that when I finished building the campaign.

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Campaign sound very interesting for us "Bad Guys" too :rofl:



Bad guys? Do you mean the Amis? :haha:

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