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planes created by notepad

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Some planes maked by ini files tuning, and some skin changes...


Mirage-50C semi-historycal markings, Agava Radar, AM-39



French Jaguar A french Guns & weapons, semi-historycal markings



Indian Jaguar IM, some cockpit radar sight problem, need 3dmax work, but i dont want did it, needs weapons loadout consultation.



Attempt creating Mirage III ROSE - not full historycal, added grifo radar, laser designator, LGB ,LGR, HUD



that do you think about it? Upload Someone?

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Well considering those are all Mirage Factory aircraft, you would have to ask them.

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I understand this, if anybody will profess interest to the airplanes, I will ask permission before upload.

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yes, plz get permission and upload thx.

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