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@Wrench and co for hangar screens etc

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Just thought I'd share with you all who like to use pics for loading screens etc, also maybe of use to anyone wanting to decal, skin etc. My Dad has always been interested in military aircraft and in recent years has gotten heavily into photography, I have asked if I can put up the link to his and my stepmums online albums for this community and hes cool with that, maybe if you use his pics a mention in the props would not go amiss, they are Will and Wendy, heres the link: Will and Wendy's Milatary Aviation Albums



Thats my Dad in the yellow jacket :good: He has good relations on base at No. 4 Flight Training School at R.A.F. Valley, I believe one of his friends is currently operational on Sea Kings, there are some good internal pics of one in there somewhere as well as some nice pics of visiting aircraft from other countries.

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Mab, those are exceptionall cool photos!!! Give my congrats to your Dad for them.!!!


Definatly things there that can be used. Perhaps he can put something down in the corner, like airliners.net does, so if used, that can be seen on the final screen (gives the credit to the photographer)



kevin stein

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I'm glad you like them! I will pass on your comments to my Dad, he was thinking of some kind of watermarking at some point but I think he didn't want to spoil the pictures, but then again their really good for a 59 year old with no formal photography training imo, and I'd hate to see some of the more unscrupulous ppls on the net use them and claim all the credit or worse still use them as some part of payware (no need to continue opening THAT can of worms :rolleyes: ) I like the way Airliners have watermarked theirs though, also as I explained to him this community is one of the best in terms of respect and giving credit where its due, he was happy that people might find some interest in the photographs. No doubt he will post more up as he is a regular visitor at the airbase.


They reminded me of all the trips we used to make there some years ago when I was little .I remember some F-15's over on a sort of exchange training exercise around Llanberis pass, I have a signed copy of an aviation mag special on the Eagle at home from one of the pilots, it's singed from Mc Clean, "Bitty" :blink: (remember this was just after Gulf War 1 lol) well I often wonder what became of him as there was an incident up in the pass where for some reason the back seater ejected while the pilot remained and flew the bird safely home to Valley minus the canopy, I always wondered if it was that guy but I don't think they named the aircrew. I'll go search see if I can find any old news pages on that incident.

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Well trust me to completely miss remember things that happened ten years ago, my Dad just corrected me, apparently the chaps sticky was "Dirty" not "Bitty" lol As for the Eagle minus canopy, he thinks someone at the Valley Aviation Society may have got a picture at the time, I will put up a link to their site soon as I get hotsnail to work again

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