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Radar modding: Texture names?

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I'm trying to modify a *_avionics.ini with the goal of implementing a radar display like in German WWII nightfighters. I have begun exploring the remapping of several radar symbols, but now I'm stuck:



in [RadarDisplay] corresponds to


in [RadarDisplaySearch] etc.,



doesn't work for




Does anyone know the variable name needed to remap the target symbol, or is that one hardcoded?

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It may be hard coded (and I may be worng in that respect, too...)


I assume you've looked at the avionics inis from the already available radar equipped WW2 birds? Owl, P-70, Beau NF, Blenheim NF, Corsair, Hellcat, etc.


I know for a lot, in particular, like the AI Mk.1, there should be 2 scope, one for range and another for elevation. Since we can't have those, I've used either the A-4E's radar bmp or (hope this is right..) a "V" shaped one that I think comes from the Phantom's AG radar. I'll have to recheck the radar bmps to be sure. It does give a nice 60 deg narrow field-of-view.


For the actual 'blip', i've just used what ever is in-game, and left it at that, albeit probably not historically correct.



kevin stein

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Wrench, thanks for taking the time to help :good:


I assume you've looked at the avionics inis from the already available radar equipped WW2 birds? Owl, P-70, Beau NF, Blenheim NF, Corsair, Hellcat, etc.


I've looked at some of them, but what I'm really after is a 2-scope display like this:



This is pretty much what German WWII Lichtenstein sets looked like. The above example shows two targets, the nearer one being off to the right (left scope), and at the same altitude (right scope) while the farther target is straight ahead, and slightly above.


It's too bad we cannot define two radar scopes, but anyway... As a matter of fact it doesn't have to be a two-scope set; the peculiar form of indicating the target is what I'd love to get. This, together with Kesselbrut's hack to use a second crew-station, would make for nice night-intercept missions. With the range of those early airborne sets being extremely limited ground control played an important role, and the latter is something SF/WO* is really good at.


Here is how far I got:


the 'spike' is mapped to the aiming dot, not the target symbol. BTW, I also discovered that without the B_SWEEP the radar won't show any targets.


Now, if I could get my blip mapped onto TARGET_SYMBOL, and if I then could get rid of the B_SWEEP I'd be pretty much where I wanted...

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Might need to custom make the blip display's tga for that ,and have it reside in the cockpit folder. I've never messed with the stuff before, so I'm stretching a bit.


For a plain, no 'ticks' radar bmp, you just need an all black bmp. The original F-104's is what has been used a lot.


Weither the game engine and it's dlls will support it...that's another matter. Perhaps asking TK over at the 3rd Wire boards?


Where's our resident avionics guys, when you need him???? :wink:



kevin stein

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OK, looks like I'm on new ground here. Whatever I find out I'll make some write-up so somebody can put it in the knowledge base.

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