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SFP1E 1.0 UTILITY - Extract utility AVAILABLE !

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Holy cow, that's a huge breakthrough! I'll get this posted in the news right away. Thanks!

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One question. What is the significance of and what can be done with the numerical values found in the .cat files? I take it .cat is referring to the catalog files. Thanks.

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it's just BEGIN offset and END offset of each file included in the .CAT files

just for information

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how do you put the files once you edit them back in the cat file?This thing is great!

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Offsets are the begin and the end position of ecah file in the .Cat file.

you don't need this information


Dagger, you can let files in the folder, the game will use it instead of .cat files.


if some modified files don't work, try to put it in these subfolder

INI subfolder if ini files

LOD subfolder if lod files



create and put files in



anyway, i will do soon a version which allow to put back modified files in the cat files.


at this time, concentrate your effort to enhance files :) i will do the rest


best regards



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I'm startin to like this guy, hehehe.

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Now what a miniute. If I don't need to know what the numerical values refer to and what they do, how can I use this program? Say I open a file in the cat and change a number without prior knowledge of what that number represents in the game? How can I get a desired result without a known starting point and a destination? It would be like conducting a search and rescue operation in the Atlantic without a datum. If I go into this file and just change numbers without knowing what they do I wouldn't be too bright.


Unless you're saying I shouldn't or don't need to understand the numbers in the .cat file. And therefore I shouldn't be in there to begin with.


I think part of the problem here is that you've given me more credit than I deserve in the area of computer science. Let me make this as clear as I can, I'm realllll stoopid when it comes to all things virtual. I have, in the past , been satisfied with letting others do all the mucking about with files. But of late my interest has been peaked as to how to do some of these tasks. Perhaps you might post a web site that you know of to get me started in educating myself.


I don't mean to be a pain, really I don't. Just want in on some of the fun. :D

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you cant' modify these values, it's internal value needed for the extract utility.


you can do ONLY two things in this utility

you have 2 buttons


one for extract one file from the CAT file.

second for extract all files from the CAT file.


hope it's more clear.

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Can you use BMPs and TGAs from other sims and I guess the term"import" isn't appropriate but if you can just place them in the folders to use,can we do that,just rename them?

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