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back in the saddle, where can i get all patches for PF?

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i tried through ubi.com, no luck there..

is there a "master patch" that holds every patch in it from the first to the latest until today?

thanks guys :good:

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I don't think so. IIRC, you can start with 4.0, but then have to apply each one after that because they're incremental only. I have 46, which starts at 4.06m I think, so I haven't done it in years.

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I think it has to do with the sizes. If you add up the file sizes for 4.0 and then all the patches after that, I think it wouldn't even fit on one CD!

Honestly, I don't think I ever grabbed a patch from ubi's site directly. I think I went to places like filefront or fileplanet.

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they have links there, the only problem

that old patches are sometimes hard to come by... so, i'll try from time to time

thanks Jedi, may the force be with you! :)

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