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EH,This is Su-27M(Call Earlier versions of Su-35 )

New Su-35 Is Su-35BM/UB。


I think this plane is called a good SU-27M。



In addition, there is a weapons magazine said has 15 Su-27M service in the Suburbs of Moscow Kubinka base, lindr2 and EH can be said on this message to me?




So,here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...30703&st=20

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EH,This is Su-27M(Call Earlier versions of Su-35 )

New Su-35 Is Su-35BM/UB。


I think this plane is called a good SU-27M。


In addition, there is a weapons magazine said has 15 Su-27M service in the Suburbs of Moscow Kubinka base, lindr2 and EH can be said on this message to me?



Small serie Su-27M / Su-35 in serivice since 1992;


UB - is Uchebno-Boyevoy - 2 seat Trainer - combat plane; Su-35UB (2000) ; model name - T-10UM, based on Su-35, not on Su-35BM




Belarus working on Su-27UBM1 probram ; model name - T-10UM-1 {Su-27UB updated to Su-30KN standart}, first planes showed in 2005;




Su-27M renamed to Su-35 in 1992; Model name -> T-10M




Su-35BM {Bol'shaya Modernisatsya - BiG Update} - It's NEW plane; Model name -> T-10BM




Some planes has 2 or more names:


Su-17M3 - Su-19


MiG-27 - MiG-23BM


Su-34 - Su-32 - Su-27B; Model name -> T-10B

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I never saw this kind of "chaos" about western jets, Manufactory, version + different subsystems = other version.

Russian stuff seems to be wildly updated reworked..


The lag of information is the main prob. But we can see a nice work here...


Good one erwin! pls say thanks to your whole team!

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I never saw this kind of "chaos" about western jets, Manufactory, version + different subsystems = other version.

Russian stuff seems to be wildly updated reworked..


The lag of information is the main prob. But we can see a nice work here...


Good one erwin! pls say thanks to your whole team!



That "chaos" is because export version,and some update version.


If we know about what code of Russian aircraft mean, Russian aircraft must be much more easy to remeber than western aircrafts


For exmple: MiG-21PFM PF=intercept. F=From MiG-21F[?] M=Modern updated


And MiG-33 is export name of MiG-29M.

Edited by Erwin_Hans

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That "chaos" is because export version,and some update version.


For exmple: MiG-21PFM PF=intercept. F=From MiG-21F[?] M=Modern updated


no, Erwin story is MiG-21P -> MiG-21PF ->MiG-21PFS-> MiG-21PFM


P- is Perekhvatchik - intercepter, F - new engine {Forsirovanny - Forced}, M- Modernizirovanny - Updated;


S - Sloy - Boundary layer blowing system


MiG-21PF-V - Vetnam version;


MiG-21PFMA - Cuba version;


MiG-21FL - EXPORT version MIG-21PF (simplified version for non-WP countries)


Other example:


MiG-21SM, S - Sapfir radar, M- Modernizirovanny - Updated;


MiG-21M - export version MiG-21S; MiG-21MF - export version MiG-21SM;


SO EASY... if know Russian language;

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Seems logical, is the Mig-33 stuff something psychological like "Hey higher number = new and better plane"???


now it's just for EASY designaton + RECLAME, let's imagine: MiG-27K is MiG-23BMK, and MiG-27ML is MiG-23BMML. or Su-32FN - Su-27BFN


MiG-29M has new wing & tail + new control computer, provide full controlled flight up to 30 Deg AoA, it's almost new plane;


in WWII we have LaGG-3(66-th serie), Pe-2(359-th serie) also not so good;

Edited by lindr2

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The Su-27KUB ais also different than the Su-32 and 34 but the Kub looks more unique, what is the K?!


But for the WWII stuff (I`m a big il2 fan since the first Demo) I`t for me a bit easier to say wich LaGG was the late war plane. we fly il2 Events regulary, next one is tomorrow, flying late planes like La-7 and Yak-3 against the Japanese counterparts


I will take everything you will produce (lindr2 and Erwin)

I created a BM version out of your BM pack for the earlier 29, used the avionic and loadouts from this addon.

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The Su-27KUB ais also different than the Su-32 and 34 but the Kub looks more unique, what is the K?!


But for the WWII stuff (I`m a big il2 fan since the first Demo) I`t for me a bit easier to say wich LaGG was the late war plane. we fly il2 Events regulary, next one is tomorrow, flying late planes like La-7 and Yak-3 against the Japanese counterparts


I will take everything you will produce (lindr2 and Erwin)

I created a BM version out of your BM pack for the earlier 29, used the avionic and loadouts from this addon.


KUB: K-Korabel'ny - Carrier Based, U - Uchebno - Trainer, B - Boyevoy - Combat capable; ALL Letters get unique info;


P.S -> 76IAP Thank You! Combat capable = GOOD :yes:

Edited by lindr2

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Nice, thank you lindr2, you have any Su-33 schemes?

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What is a Su-27P,and Su-27S?

Edited by Erwin_Hans

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What is a Su-27P,and Su-27S?


Su-27S - Radar N001V or N001VP 'Panda' max Loadout 6000Kg.


Su-27P - same that Su-27 P - Perekhvatchik { Intercepter } Used on AirDef System, any A-G weapons removed {not always}, Radar N001 'Mech'

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Guest F-16CJ
Small serie Su-27M / Su-35 in serivice since 1992;


UB - is Uchebno-Boyevoy - 2 seat Trainer - combat plane; Su-35UB (2000) ; model name - T-10UM, based on Su-35, not on Su-35BM




Belarus working on Su-27UBM1 probram ; model name - T-10UM-1 {Su-27UB updated to Su-30KN standart}, first planes showed in 2005;




Su-27M renamed to Su-35 in 1992; Model name -> T-10M




Su-35BM {Bol'shaya Modernisatsya - BiG Update} - It's NEW plane; Model name -> T-10BM




Some planes has 2 or more names:


Su-17M3 - Su-19


MiG-27 - MiG-23BM


Su-34 - Su-32 - Su-27B; Model name -> T-10B


First Thanks lindr2


I would like to ask

Are not of the anti-aircraft equipment has two-seater Su-30K interceptor

Say Su-30K or anti-aircraft defense are the airborne command plane?


If there was Su-30K, personal guess parameters are as follows

Radar: N001 / M + OLS-27

Missile: R-27R/ER/ER1, R-27T/ET/ET1, R-73E/M1

Engine: AL-31F


China's aviation knowledge there is a journal of the past are referred to the Su-30K was originally developed for anti-aircraft defense of the interceptor, but only a small number of equipment, Lindr2 Can you Say?

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why no more news?


Since when are people obligated to give you news?



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Since when is he obligating them?



sorry, i was just asking......nothing more.....

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Since when is he obligating them?


Since he asked why there is no news.


The tone of the question can be interpreted as demanding.


On the other hand, had he simply asked if there were any updates, not a big deal...that's a good question.


Does everyone understand the difference in the way the question is asked?


And I'd assume that the folks working on these mods will update when they feel they can.



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