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I've always had the problem of not having enough buttons on my joystick... Then today, my bud came over and told me, "Dude, how about you fly and leaving the targetting and shooting to me."


He meant it as a joke, yet it got me thinkin: It might just be interesting...


So i reconfigured my joystick, relinquishing all my weapons controls except my gun and put in their place, various flight related commands on the stick... Then i hooked up my game pad and put in the various weapons, targeting and the F4 view command...


Then i took off in an F-4J Phantom on Fighter Sweep with my buddy as RIO/WSO, and I as pilot... It was really interesting, as i flew in behind enemies my bud waited for the oppurtune time to target and fire...


I know its not Pure 2player action, but it was still an intersting blend of teamwork, timing and skill...


Try it with your friend sometime... Its cool... :ok:

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Try it with your friend sometime...

I don't have any :dntknw:


Although recently I wrote a page for my mag about lack of CrewMP sims :yes:

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my friends are all too stupid. I tried this once with one friend who gaily fired off all my missiles right after takeoff and then, when I was about to kill a MiG, changed views and continued to do so untill I yelled at him and he informed me that I take this game way too seriously. There's also a voice mod you can get so if you have a mic, you can command your RIO or your flight to do things without having to press a multitude of buttons. I can't remember what it's called, though.

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I don't have any :dntknw:


Although recently I wrote a page for my mag about lack of CrewMP sims :yes:


Interesting point. With many of the current/recent flight sims modelling twin seat aircraft, you would think that eventually they would include the ability to have two people via multi-play share the same jet.


IIRC, LOMAC or Flanker had a workaround where two people could be in the same jet. Once again, modders tinkering with something to get what they want out of a sim.


The Devs know that there are lots of holes to fill, but so few will step up and make it happen. The TW series is open enough to allow much to be tweaked, but still closed off enough to be frustrating when you know it can do much more.


Greets from the sand!


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the name of that voice command program is game buddy, its kinda hard to find , but i have a copy if you are interested.

BTW, its freeware


Oh yeah, someone told me this was not possible in thirdwire games, apparently he was wrong,,

Edited by gwar

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