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KI-61 family

DATA,INI,LOADOUT for the KI-61 family (KI-61-Ia -Ib -IIa -IIb and mauser 20mm gun) and some bonus loading pictures and hangar


a variant of


Tony fighter. Developed for SFP1 by the SFP1 Dev A-Team of Capun (model), CB Productions (textures), Charles (FM and screens) and Kesselbrut (Virtual Cockpit) WRENCH (textures). Developed from Razer's source file


you need the complete KI-61 aircraft from





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A very cool addition to the WW2 Family. I llike the way you duplicated and split the hardpoints grouping ! A+ for that one!! :ok:


Just a couple of quickie tweeks you might like;


for the engine sound, use the "BF109E" wav that comes with Russo's Emil (since both used the DB-601)


in the data ini, in the ]AircraftData[ section, add this line:




just drop it anywhere in that section.


As for cockpits, we need something with a refelector gunsight (copy of Revi 3 or maybe 12, IIRC) ...... perhaps the Zekes would be better (or even a relabeled Hurricane??? - although I dislike the Engilsh lettering for a IJAAP bird). I'm looking into that as we speak...


EDIT: the Zeke pit, as used on my George upgrade would be a good alternative, as I painted out the MG breeches in the cockpit. Although the framing won't match, it has the correct gunsight tga. Or the bits in the Ki-43IIb upgrade pak?


The cockpit inis themselves can be easily converted to metric reading, too. Simply changed the FEET to METERS, MPH or Knots to KMPH, and on the Verticle Velocity Indicator, changed to MPS (as opposed to FPS). Havent' figured out the KG to LB for the fuel gauges, but that's not important.


If you give me a day or so, (as I write this, it's half way done - the T.psd at any rate), I'll have new skin templates ready for the WW2 skinner to have at. I've already picked one skin I'll do the II Kai. Gonna test a decals idea I've been experimentating with for the Lilly (which also has been reskinned for CBI).


Thanks again for helping expand our WW2 gaming experience!!!



kevin stein

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