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Guest pfunkmusik

Wrench, I'd Like Your Help

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Guest pfunkmusik

I would like to use some of the targets you provided in the Libyan terrain. What files do I need in order move targets and target types from terrain to another?


If you're okay with that, of course.



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It's freeware, baby! Go fir it!!!


Depending on the object, you'll need the lod, if it has a skin you'll need that -some are bmp and some are tga.

Then, you just copy over the entry from one types ini to the other. Don't forget to keep them all in numerical sequence in the types ini (which I've failed to do a few times...that can ya nuts!)


What objects, perhaps I can supply a 'parts list'?



kevin stein

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Guest pfunkmusik
It's freeware, baby! Go fir it!!!


Depending on the object, you'll need the lod, if it has a skin you'll need that -some are bmp and some are tga.

Then, you just copy over the entry from one types ini to the other. Don't forget to keep them all in numerical sequence in the types ini (which I've failed to do a few times...that can ya nuts!)


What objects, perhaps I can supply a 'parts list'?



kevin stein


I'll get you my targets 'wish list' this evening after I come home from work.


Here's another question, though. Is there a magical way of smoothing out terrain for say one of your industrial HQ areas or is it a matter of finding the flattest ground available and plunking it down there...which isn't a problem in the desert (no shortage of flat ground), but more of a problem in say, more mountainous areas.


I thought about using the terrain editor's City List tool and designating it as 'Has Airfield' to take advantage of the 'Level Airfield' capability, but I'm afraind you'd be rocking along in a campaign and get reassigned to a new airfield...except it's not an airfield, I just told the Terrain Editor it was because I wanted the terrain all flat and pretty and you're having to take off with buildings and tanks in your way...



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How do you think I got all those industrial areas and vehicle depots and army camps and train stations and etc, flattened on SoCal, American SW, Libya, Isreal2, Burma, Okinawa, New Guiena......


The 'has airfield' tag is basically just for leveling the terrain at that spot. You won't have any problems in trying to take off from the Factory Place, as it has NO runway*. Airbases need to designated/defined as such, via the targets ini, by the addition of the "AirfieldDataFile=" and "NumSquadrons=" lines. Without them, the game engine just seems them as any other target area


Conversely, you can add a runway, flatten it, and NOT use the airfiled data line; if you want an abandoned field or one unusable. I'd originally did that for Oxnard AB in SoCal, but then chose to use it as 'real'.


Using the Factory Place in mountains is gonna be a bitch...try and find the flattest area, and keep the 'zone to flatten' as small as possible. If you look in the cities.inis from some of my terrains upgrades (it should be in Libya, ASW and SoCal), I used 2x2. You still may have problems with reaaaaalllly steep cliff faces nearby. That's why when I added the vehicle depots and industrial centers to ANW, I tried to place them as close to the center of the 'valley' as possible.


REMEMBER: keep backup copies of the original TFD and HFD files, as you've got no 'undo' function. I think I wound up with 60 or 70 copies of SoCal before finalizing it.



kevin stein



*but it did originally; when first released, it had lighted (lit?) up buildings, but that only works on airfields. So I 'fixed' that. From the "Wrench's Factory Fixes.txt":


The problem with starting on the factory places has been repaired as well, by removing the reference line to airfield**.ini. That is reflected in the targets.ini. This just means they won't light up at night, like the runways do. This is the same fix as for the DRV and SEA terrain.

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REMEMBER: keep backup copies of the original TFD and HFD files, as you've got no 'undo' function. I think I wound up with 60 or 70 copies of SoCal before finalizing it.


Sounds like a good example for using tools like SVN (TortoiseSVN is pretty good...)!

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Guest pfunkmusik

From the Libya_targets.ini file


#41 - Benghazi Military District HQ

#50 - Tripoli Tank Farm

#52 - Libyan GCI Station Zed

#53 - Misratah Army Training Camp

#54 - Tripoli Industrial Center

#55 - Al Zeeda GCI-EW Site

#56 - Mistrah Vehicle Depot

#61 - Benghazi Power Station

#62 - Benghazi Tank Farm

#63 - Mabruk Oil Fields

#65 - Umm Aitigah Vehicle Depot

#71 - National Chemical Works

#73 - Tajura Nuclear Center

#83 - Tripoli East Defense Battery

#120 - Kalamata AD Battery


What files do I need in order to migrate these files from the Libya Terrain to another terrain to be used as targets?



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Ummm....notepad???? :rofl:


How do you think I do it???!!!! :haha:


A simple copy/paste. You'll have to change the target location and alingments, if necessary. I tried, as much as possible, to keep with standard, stock items available in ALL versions of the game. Oil fields were the easiest.


As to objects, they're listed in the targets ini. Kalamata AD, IIRC is a simple HAWK battery; Benghazi AD is 'generic' SAMs and SAM radars. You'll obviously you'll need the "Factory Place" for the industrial centers and the truck depots. All the items are included in the terrain folder. Gramputoms's Radar Dome is in the d/l section


The "vRefinery" was 'acquired' from the WoV VietnamSEA cat, so you'll need to lods and bmps out of the Libya terrain. Off the top of my head, I don't remember the exact skin bmp, but they should start with "IND_" Can't seem to find the folder where I store all the various buildings I 'borrowed'....


The power stations use the "VPOWER" items, and ''VCITY3" lods


easiest way to find out what skin bmp OR tga is uses, is open the LOD with a hex editor, and search for 'bmp' , then 'tga'. All of the "stock" items I borrowed use bmps. Only the after market stuff, from Polack's Object library use either or both.


Basically, I have a 'library' of txt files, with the various layouts for things. Saves time and effort, even though sometimes I wish they were pointing in another direction. IE: they all have a north/south orientation, where sometimes I'd like it east/west. But that would mean laying out each individual object, from a new 0 point. A good example would be the Army Camps. The 0 point is actually some distance from the main camp itself. Look at Hamilcar and Hannibal...you'll find a building off to the west that is the actual 0, center spot.



kevin stein

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Guest pfunkmusik
Ummm....notepad???? :rofl:


How do you think I do it???!!!! :haha:


A simple copy/paste. You'll have to change the target location and alingments, if necessary. I tried, as much as possible, to keep with standard, stock items available in ALL versions of the game. Oil fields were the easiest.


As to objects, they're listed in the targets ini. Kalamata AD, IIRC is a simple HAWK battery; Benghazi AD is 'generic' SAMs and SAM radars. You'll obviously you'll need the "Factory Place" for the industrial centers and the truck depots. All the items are included in the terrain folder. Gramputoms's Radar Dome is in the d/l section


The "vRefinery" was 'acquired' from the WoV VietnamSEA cat, so you'll need to lods and bmps out of the Libya terrain. Off the top of my head, I don't remember the exact skin bmp, but they should start with "IND_" Can't seem to find the folder where I store all the various buildings I 'borrowed'....


The power stations use the "VPOWER" items, and ''VCITY3" lods


easiest way to find out what skin bmp OR tga is uses, is open the LOD with a hex editor, and search for 'bmp' , then 'tga'. All of the "stock" items I borrowed use bmps. Only the after market stuff, from Polack's Object library use either or both.


Basically, I have a 'library' of txt files, with the various layouts for things. Saves time and effort, even though sometimes I wish they were pointing in another direction. IE: they all have a north/south orientation, where sometimes I'd like it east/west. But that would mean laying out each individual object, from a new 0 point. A good example would be the Army Camps. The 0 point is actually some distance from the main camp itself. Look at Hamilcar and Hannibal...you'll find a building off to the west that is the actual 0, center spot.



kevin stein


Hey, can I download the Factory Place from your website and use it instead of hunting for eveything? Will it work in WOE?



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All my stuff is in WoE ... as it's internal to a terrain folder, it really dosn't care where it goes!! As long as all the bits are listed in the pertinant ***_types ini.


Doncha just love how adaptable this game engine is???



kevin stein

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Guest pfunkmusik

Hell, yeah, I do.


I took the Libya_types.ini and renamed it after throwing the entire Factory Place into the new terrain folder.


Sonofa#$@% if it don't work...



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