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weapons dont show in loadout screen

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i have new problem all the weapons are in the weapons data ini and all have been edit. but when i run strike fighters and go to the loadout screen

no weapons appear it blank what would cause that problem any help would sure be a great help


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So did you take out the weaponsdata.dat file and it now works?


Basically if you take that file out the game and it works - you are using the wrong editor


The game will default to use the original loadout file which is why any extra weapons wont now be there.


you need to compile the weaponsdata.ini with the correct weapons editor


What version have you got SF patched up to? - will say on the main menu

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It is a slightly complicated issue. You have to work on the aircraft's *_DATA.INI file as well as the WEAPONDATA.INI file.


If you want to hack, and to include all kind of weapons possible, replace the AllowedWeaponClass= in your aircraft's *_DATA.INI file by the following:



At the same time, you need to modify your weapondata.ini file. Every weapon has a startyear and attachment type, you have to make sure that the startyear is well before the startyear of your aircraft, you can find the information in the aircraft's _DATA.INI file. In the weapondata.ini file, you also need to make sure that the BaseQuantity is not 0, change it to 10 that's what I do always.


With all those done as above, you still have to make provision that some weapons dont appear because some weapon's diameter and length parameters might not match with your aircraft's _DATA.INI file.  If you really need those weapon, you have to change these parameters to the same value as that in the weapondata.ini file.





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What it sound like, is he's using the WRONG weapons editor (or the outdated one).


For SF/WoV/WoE, use ONLY the one that comes in the Bunyap Wapons Pak of 6/06.


For First Eagles and WoI, use ONLY the new one, dated 2/20/08.


BOTH are avilable here in our conviently located Downloads Section. As are the 2 Weapons Paks. (Bunyap and Mirage Factory)


If you use the wrong one, or the OLD one, for SF/WoV/WoE you WILL blow up your weaponsdata ini.


And as to the above statement about editing the individual aircarft's data and loadout inis, there are 2 whole Forums covering just that, upstairs in the Knowledge Base. His method is not only over-the-top excessive, but in many ways, dead wrong. You don't need to add every stinking weapons type to get an aircraft to work. That's why the 'loadout.ini' exists for every stinking aircraft! :wink: You tailor your loads for mission specific usage. As do you for the data ini weapon station callouts.


This question is showing up more than once a week for the last several months ... folks, haul it over to the Knowledge Base, and look around. Most of the questions have already been answered. If not, THEN ask!

Now, mind you, the KB is kinda hard to navigate (and we're working on that), so at worst, you have to look in each section. Just a few minutes more of you time...and maybe worth the investment as who knows what else you might discover!



kevin stein

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