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43 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Russia's withdrawal from NATO is a precursor to the alleged "END OF THE WORLD" in 2012 predicted by the Mayans

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Have you seen --> this?

Now Al-Assad claims Syria will host the Russian missile system.



Cold War II, here we come.

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I wonder if it is possible to create a virus exterminating politicians...

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I wonder if it is possible to create a virus exterminating politicians...


That's gotta be the second most genius thing I've ever heard in my life. The first was the concept behind the show "Fitness Corner". I still can't believe they got away with that... :good::biggrin:

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I think we can stop this only when NATO will say firm NO for Russia imperialistic politics NOW.

Maybe it's brutal,but this is only way to stop incoming cold war II.

Now is Georgia, but next can Ukraine, and my country-Poland.

After this will be a time for western countries...

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(Rational Think Mode ON)

Maybe are the U.S. politics the ones to want to start the WWIII if they keep going like this. Treatening coutries and expanding their military base and interests around the world.

(Rational Think Mode Off)

Hope no one would be so stupid to start this What-if conflict. :rolleyes:


P.S. Fully quote Gr.Viper :good:

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I remember over a couple thousand civilians murdered on 11 Sept. 2001 that extended our military base. But I'm happy to say that the only countries who seem threatened by the United States are the ones that sponsor terrorist acts against us and the rest of the world. Or maybe those countries that have built nuclear reactors as well as sell the technology that would facilitate launching nuclear warheads into other countries may also feel threatened. Those countries who make promises to their people that Israel and the US won't continue to exist much longer hopefully feel threatened. They've asked for it and deserve to feel threatened for their diabolical actions and their threats to the US and our allies. I only wish we didn't need to be in Iraq or Afghanistan but in the real world evil does exist and rational minds are forced to respond to it. It is only this evil which will force a nuclear doomsday on us all. I know which country wants it because of their actions and words. That country isn't the USA.

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I think the US is a bit hypocrytical in telling russia to stave off considering weve invaded two countries in the past 7 years. However I think everyone is systematicaly underestimating russia. Sure they dont have F-22 and M1 abrams but they have a sh!t load of lesser weapons that could overwhelm our more suffisticated one. I got my money on 10 flankers over one rapter any day (Even tho 10 T-72 against one abrams still dont stand a chance)

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