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MiG-21MF hunting A-4s in 1973

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Getting airborne:



Taking a shot with an R-13M:






Another R-13M shot:



Out of missiles, switching to guns... no kill like a guns kill:


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Tisk tisk. Picking on poor, defenceless scooters with a MiG 21? Hardly a fair match.


Nice shots, though.

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If the A-4s drop their ordnance and engage, they are anything but defenseless.

They obviously don't have the speed and power of the MiG-21, but the MiG-21 flies a lot like an F-4 and an A-4 flies a lot like a MiG-17, so you have to be patient and fight in the vertical if the A-4s engage aggressively.

In this case, they let me empty my missiles into their flares and pull in close for a gunshot before they scattered and engaged.

Of course, while I am turning and burning with the A-4s, their are usually some F-4s and Neshers looking for easy missile shots.

I do get shot down sometimes by AIM-7s, AIM-9s, and Shafrir.


I enjoy MiG-21 versus F-4 fights the most if the AI pilot has a high skill level.

They always take me on a long ride of vertical and horizontal scissors with yo-yos, lag rolls, you name it.

Whereas the A-4s just outturn me, then I outclimb them, rinse wash repeat until the AI gets distracted by another issue and flies straight long enough for me to get shots off.

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Wow. If that's not the essence of dogfighting, I don't know what is.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Thats pretty much how i go about it in an F-100.


Seeing how unreliable those early AIMs were i'm always anticipating a gun pass during the initial approach.

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