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New USAF F-4 drop tanks

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New USAF F-4 drop tanks

This is a replacement for the 370 gallon wing drop tank and the centerline 600 gallon drop tank for the Wings over Vietnam F-4C/D/E. The tanks are higher polygon versions a bit more accurate in shape, which didn't cause a slowdown on my fairly modest system, so hopefully it won't on anyone elses.


You must be able to use the Weaponeditor to install these tanks. These entries do not overwrite your old tanks, but must be listed as entries in the aircraft data.ini files to appear. I have enclosed an F-4D data.ini as an example if you are still uncertain how to do this.


Mike Druzolowski


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Hey Mike,


If I wanted to use these tanks instead of the stock ones, do they have the same attach points?


In other words, I just want to do a LOD substitution...that should work...right?



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For some reason that I can't explain, when I tried using the exact same .LOD names and tank names, the tank will not appear at all. Had the same issue trying to replace the QRC-160 ECM pod. I can't explain it - but by renaming the new file to anything else, and then just dumping the old file from the weapondata.ini, I achieved the wanted result. Go figure...



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For some reason that I can't explain, when I tried using the exact same .LOD names and tank names, the tank will not appear at all. Had the same issue trying to replace the QRC-160 ECM pod. I can't explain it - but by renaming the new file to anything else, and then just dumping the old file from the weapondata.ini, I achieved the wanted result. Go figure...




Hi Mike,great fan of all your work,I'm having a wee spot of bother getting these tanks to appear,have tried editing the weapons data ini manually and I can't get it working,what weapons editor did you use,could I have a link if poss,thanks.

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