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Questions.....Need Help...>_<

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Hi everyone!..........Did anyone fly a MiG-27 Flogger-D before?The elevators were oscillate when speed near mach.(see screenshot below) so I want to fix it.But I konw nothing about FM :dntknw: ,I tried to copy the FM data form other aircraft.Still nothing happening.And th same time my project has a those problem too. :blink:

So here is the first question,and the Second what I want to ask is.Is there any page about the FM or FM tutorial,I had download the AIDE ,but I don't know howw to use....... :dntknw:

OK .....my english is so bad,hope can understand what I talking about......... :blush:




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I don't think that is a MiG-27-only problem...forgot which other aircrafts had that happen too.

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