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First Experiences (and some feedback)

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Well, I have installed FE+Expansion pack+ Peter's FMs, a lot of planes, Firecage's Planefest II and the two Charles campaigns, so I think I'm ready!

After flying, I liked the experience a lot!. The AI is awesome, but aiming the guns is a pain. The planes feel VERY sensitive (or maybe my joystick). I have reduced the joystick sensitivity at minimum and augmented the dead zone and the thing is better now (but not totally good, I feel too sensitive elevator).

The flight models by Peter are very good (much better than the stock), but in general I think the roll rate is overmodelled in all planes. I's a little strange, because I have readed WWI planes had slow roll rates. These roll rates speed up the combat, and in fact the combat feels faster than the IL-2 or RedBaron 3D (where roll rates are slower).


Never mind! FE is a hugue lot of fun, with tons of potential!

Thank you all the comunity for your hard work!


Two more things:

-Are somewhere something similar to Widesky or Green Hell mod for FE (awesome mods for other TK sims)?

-Peter, how about a flight model for Farman Shorthorn and Longhorn (and the Fokker DIIIL and Pfalz DrI)? I love these planes...

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I too have had some problems with aiming because the controls were too sensitive. I think that the culprit is my cheap and old joystick. So I tweaked the sensitivity via the .ini file (../FE/Controls/Default.ini for example).


There's the line "Saturation=" which corresponds to the sensitivity slider in the game. The normal values, editable in game menu, range from 75 to 175, but I have set mine to 1750. :D Yep, that's right - ten times higher than it's supposed to be.


There are altogether three of these saturation values that are needed to change (under sections [RangedControl001], [RangedControl002], [RangedControl003]).


Because the game reverts these values to "normal" values while in any of the game's menu, I've set my .ini file Read only. And when I want to make changes to my key configuration, I just edit it in that .ini file or temporarily uncheck the read only tag (and back up my changes).



Yet, this is an unorthodox solution, but it works for me. Most probably there're better ways to deal with oversensitive aircrafts.

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Peter's addition of more "headshake" likely compounds your problems of aiming.

I find it very emersive, since those little planes must have been buffeted around quite a bit, and have enjoyed the added challenge it adds for some time. You adjust to it.

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Thak you, Dagaith, it feels a lot better now. This game is a blast. It only needs more planes to be perfect (I'm a Western Front Patch man), specially two seaters.

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By most accounts I've read most of the fighters were very responsive in pitch and yaw and not so much in roll. I do agree with B Bandy. These planes were mostly wood and fabric and not necessarily designed with the idea of inherent stability built in. The fact that the Fokker DVII seemed to achieve that balance and stability is what made it so spectacular.

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I agree, the planes must be unstables, but in my PC, with my joystick (Saitek Cyborg Evo), there was too much unstability (even in stable planes as Fokker VII). With a minimum joystick input, the plane moved way too much. With Dagaith's trick planes are unstable and sensitive too, but I can move the stick a little more without too much flatspins. The flight models are very well done (only too much roll rates I think)

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