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The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U2

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The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U2

The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U-2


This simple mission pack allows me to share with you some interesting experiences I've had carrying out ultra high-level interceptions with the English Electric Lightning F.6 and the Lockheed U2-A. From my observations, using Wings Over Vietnam as a base game engine, the behaviour of both aircraft seems very close to what was experienced in real life – a testament perhaps to the quality of the Thirdwire platform and the flight models of the test aircraft.


Choose from two mission profiles: Fmk6-U2@60k IC or Fmk6-U2@70k IC for Lightning intercept missions at 60,000ft or 70,000ft respectively.


This download consists of the original illustrated article that I posted at SimHQ and the mission files. Installation instructions and prerequisites are included.


Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms (See here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131)


Regards, comrpnt.


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hehe good idea!!


Did this a while back...


I call it "hello down there" :good:


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Cool! BTW, I'd be grateful for more details w.r.t your generic cockpit work on the Lightning model, such as offsets you used etc. - now that is impressive stuff Lexx.


Regards, comrpnt.

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Positions are easy. For offset, you need to find a good panel and plug in the offset numbers until you are happy. I find F-4E panel to be a great fit. The RWR can be moved out if desired, or slipped back in. Maybe Saudi Lightnings had RWR I don't know.


Its exceptionally nice with ravenclaw's 500kb Martin Baker seat. Amazing! If you need help, pop over at the Thudwire stargetic cockpit thread. That could always use a good bump.

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