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Hi, just flown the Gulf of Sidra mission set and my wingman, after being ordered to cover me, has a habit of deciding that an Airbus 80 miles away is a more pressing threat than the pair of Mig-23's 10 miles off our nose. I've checked the Ini for the airbus and its set to friendly though the mission file has it set to Iranian, Ive tried editing both to neutral however he still goes off and hunts airliners. Anyone know how to get hm to behave himself?

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There is no such thing as a neutral side in this series, only enemy or friendly


Regarding your other issue, it's no doubt a simple case of the max visible distance setting of the MiG-23's being too low, and the Airbus's, being high enough to make it detectable by your wingmen at that range. Crank the MiG-23's up to 16500, and you should be ok.

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hey somethin's foobar


WoI is rumoured to have AI doing BVR range missile attacks. This range must be overiding the classical SF aircraft MaxVisibleDistance function for the AI.


Did TK make a radar search engagement cone where radar equipped fighters can detect and respond to targets far beyond the MaxVisibleDisance? Su-27 Flaker 1.0 from 1995 had AI radar search cones far beyond automatic "visual" detection range (12km) and it worked fantasmically.


(1) MiG-23 probably has MaxVisibleDistance range less than 10km

(2) Is there a radar target size variable that could make an AIRBUS detectable at 80km?

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While I agree that 10,000 meters is far more likely to pass the sanity test as to a true "visual" acquisition distance for a MiG-23-sized aircraft (in RL, that is), my reasoning behind using 16,500 meters, is that the system uses this as the (visual & electronic) detection range of the aircraft for both the AI and Red Crown.


More than likely, the failure of your wingmen to engage the MiG-23s (nowhere did you state which title you're running this on, which would help immensely), lies in the maximum "visual" detection distance.

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sorry, keep forgetting theres so many versions lol


its SFP1, was just bugging me as in mission one of the set you are supposed to intercept and esscort the migs clear of the CVBG rather than actually engaging them... then my wingie starts an international incident by firing on the deadly A-310s...

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sorry, keep forgetting theres so many versions lol


its SFP1, was just bugging me as in mission one of the set you are supposed to intercept and esscort the migs clear of the CVBG rather than actually engaging them... then my wingie starts an international incident by firing on the deadly A-310s...


SFP1? Well, find out which MiG-23 model you're using in that mission and edit the following line in its data.ini (MiG23XX_data.ini) to match:

















MaxVisibleDistance=16400.0<----THIS ONE


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