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Hi guys


just wondering if there is a way to that i can get the WOI f-16 netz stock cockpit from woi into woe f-16 blk 50 that im using for operation final dawn. i have had a look in the woi f-16 folder and there is no cockpit in there. However the aircraft config ini points to F-16A_Netz_cockpit.ini. which i cannot find


im a bit of noob to modding this series but i did have a look at the knowledge base first and found nothing.


Hope this doesnt rate too highly on your noobometer LOL

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You would need to extract all the F-16 cockpit files (bmps etc) and F-16A-Netz_cockpit.ini from object.cat in WOIs object folder


Then create a folder called "cockpit" and stick the files in there - then move that cockpit folder into the plane you want to use it with.


Then all you have is the avionics issue - you could just extract F-16A_Netz_Avionics from WOI also and use that - you wont get a ground radar though in WOE.


Then the last issue is the F-16A pit looks nothing like an F-16C pit. :biggrin:

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Mods - this is in the wrong location btw


Thank you for replying


i will try it out later on. Soz about posting in the wrong place BTW

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