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I'm a bit unclear on creating a new install as the option to do so isnt available thtrough the start up screen, so I copy and pasted my already patched install and replaced the original files with those in the Falklands campaign. I've renamed the game folder as stated and altered the medal folders as instructed. The new instal begins to start up but quits to desktop after a few seconds.

Running SFP1, any ideas what the problem may be?



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Hi Craig,


Just to confirm, you did each of the instructions below ?



Do a clean SFP1 installation

install SP4

rename the folder as "Falkland 1982"

delete missions - folder

delete campaigns - folder

delete /objects/decals - folder

delete /objects/aircraft - folder

delete /objects/groundojects - folder

delete /objects/weapons - folder

copy the unpacked files into your "Falkland 1982" folder

open the \Falkland 1982\Flight\MedalsUK.ini

correct the lines -> Citation=E:\Falkland 1982\Flight\FlightUKMedalVC.txt with your installation-path

open the \Falkland 1982\Flight\MedalsARG.ini

correct the lines -> Citation=E:\Falkland 1982\Flight\FlightUKMedalARG.txt with your installation-path



And you noted this:



single mission year is 1983 - because the only British base was build in May - if you have

a mission date before 29th May - the game CTD - self created missions (with mission date) will work

normally - you have to take off from a carrier before 29th May



I'm a newbie and got it up going pretty easily as per above.....


Good luck,



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yeah only step I wasnt 100% on was the new install, as i said it was a manual C&P job due to the option to install automatically is restricted once the game has been installed once, so i dont know if theres maybey something behind the scenes im missing.

Once I had the "new" install I patched, replaced and edited as per instructions yet nothing happens. I try to launch the game, the screen goes black for a few seconds then I'm back at my desktop.

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