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Inexperienced gamer needs helped!

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First just wanna say thanks for everyones help so far, however I installed the 9-08 patch on WOE and have followed all the instructions on how to repair the weaponsdata.ini. I ran it through the current weapons editor for WOI. Still no weapons appear on my loadout screen. I heard that you should change Israel to Europe on the weapons editor, but what does that mean exactly. If anyone has free time to give me step by step instuctions I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks again

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You don't have to change anything if you're using bunyap's weapons pack. All you have to do is delete the previous weaponsdata.dat file, then open the weaponsdata.ini file with the Weaponseditor released 02/2008 and save the file.


If you're trying to use the MF weaponspack for WOI released in 05/2008 THEN you would have to change the ATTACHMENT type from ISRAEL to USAF, NATO, etc.

Edited by Gocad

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