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Techniques For Weapons Delivery In WoI

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Check the knowledge base on weaps delivery, free fall bombs require a semi-complex formula to hit things. the smaller the target

the harder it will be to hit it from certain altitudes, factors like speed, wind, altitude, size of bomb, Angle of attack all come into play

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I'm asuming you mean air to ground as air to air its simply point and shoot the guns and watch the shafrir slide past your target without going off. (personally only managed about 3 kills out of 63 with the Shafrir)


Bombing: try diving on your target at roughly a 45 degree angle from around 8-10,000 feet and roughly 2.5 miles from target. Put the pipper on the target and aim to release at around 2-2500 feet.


Rockets try a 30 degree dive from around 5000 ft place the pipper slightly behind the target and fire at around 0.8 miles.


try this link for a more in depth explanation:


http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (left hand side "weapon delivery manual")



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I'm asuming you mean air to ground as air to air its simply point and shoot the guns and watch the shafrir slide past your target without going off. (personally only managed about 3 kills out of 63 with the Shafrir)


Bombing: try diving on your target at roughly a 45 degree angle from around 8-10,000 feet and roughly 2.5 miles from target. Put the pipper on the target and aim to release at around 2-2500 feet.


Rockets try a 30 degree dive from around 5000 ft place the pipper slightly behind the target and fire at around 0.8 miles.


try this link for a more in depth explanation:


http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (left hand side "weapon delivery manual")



Coming in from a higher altitude and pulling up earlier will make more better results and a longer life.


Factors one must take into account are those such as target, terrain, defenses, ordnance and aircraft. Personally, my lowest favored dive bombing altitude is 12,000 feet. 16,000 is perfect. You want to be able to build up speed in the dive so as to not only ensure a flatter trajectory for the bomb after release, but to also be able to get off the target and back to altitude as fast as possible.


In heavily defended areas the release point should at an altitude than will prevent you from going lower than 3,500-4,000ft. This to give you some leeway in case you get target fixation and delay your pullup (IE keep you from slamming into the ground) and to avoid the worst of AAA. In a number of areas, the lower you go, the sooner you will go.

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