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Single Mission dates

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Woe patched : observed that many airplanes have their availability reduced to a fracion of that it should be i,e start 1975 end 2010 and isntead I get in the pull down menu start 1985 end 1991. I tried moving a plane showing this problem to a completely clean install of WOE, and had the same problem!

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have you adjusted the mission years in the options.ini and singlemission ini???


Just checking, of course... :biggrin:



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
have you adjusted the mission years in the options.ini and singlemission ini???


Just checking, of course... :biggrin:



kevin stein

DOH, thanks kev, it was the options.ini

What happened was that I extracted singlemission.ini (SP5's one) where there is no entry for date anymore, so I assumed that there weren't an ymore data entry in options.ini, and airplane's date range would have been automatically loaded. doh doh

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I'd noticed that too, in the singlemission ini. Old habit....

I guess that means the dates are now totally controlled by the options ini and each aircraft's data ini.


Makes the necessity for 'nation-specific' aircraft even more critical, and the "exported True/False" methinks...



kevin stein

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