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Weapon Pack Problems

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After loading clean WOE, patched to Sept. 2008, Weapon Pack feb 2008 loaded. All Weapons are deleted from loadout screen. Nothing showing up at all!


Weapon editor compatablity to Win98. Editor shows all weapons,tanks,etc in Weapons folder.


Followed instructions as per KB....nothing.


Any answers...probably something obvious to experts, but......

Steve M.

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You might want to check which version of the weapons editor you are using...I'll bet it's not the most recent version available on the Thirdwire website.



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And do you have the weapon data file and dat file in the weapons directory??

i had that problem to.

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With weapons not showing, can that have something to do with SpecificStationCode? I have been trying to fly the Su-27 with the new MF weapons pack but nothing would show up. I was playing around with the new weapons editor and noticed that the AA12 and other Russian missiles had a STATION CODE. Once I removed the Station Code then the missiles would show up.


Can someone please explain the station code better for me. What exactly does it do?

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It's another method to limit loadouts, but without having to rule out certain types of weapons. The wing stations of the stock MiG-23 have the stationcode AA7 to ensure that only weapons of the AA-7 (both IRM & SAHM) family will be loaded there. The game is capable to upgrade/downgrade the default loadouts on its own.


It's actually an interesting addition. I wonder if a weapon or weaponstation could have more than one code.

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I don't think so. I use the SpecificStationCode parameter very sparingly only in certain cases, where a specific weapon goes to a specific location on a specific model. An example would be the Storetrain on the A-5. You want those specific weapons to only be loaded on the A-5s linear bomb bay and nowhere else. This does not prevent you from having several weapons share that same code...again, look at the A-5 which carries several different versions of the Storetrain which all have the same SpecificStationCode.


Another example would be the F-103 or Florian's newer Tornado....where a weapon is actually part of the aircraft's LOD file. You wouldn't want that weapondata entry to be able to be carried by any other aircraft, because no model would show up on any other aircraft.


99 percent of the time, if you do not have ANY weapons showing up for ANY aircraft, it is because you are using the wrong version of the weapons editor. You MUST have the version of the weapons editor that goes with your install, otherwise, when you use it to transform your weapondata.ini into the weapondata.dat file, the file cannot be read by the ThirdWire engine. Also, does everyone understand that weapons (and aircraft) a lot of times will work without an actual LOD file? The engine looks at the ini entries...the actual LOD file is usually secondary once airborne. Therefore, the locations of the LOD models are not nearly as important as the location of the weapondata.ini and weapondata.dat files. Those 2 files need to be either in the Objects directory, or in the Objects/Weapons directory...nowhere else.



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