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J-32 Lansen Questions

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I'm about two weeks :biggrin: away from having the Lansen model complete but I have a few questions.


I'm planning on making an A and a B model. There are modest changes between the two types structurally. I'm currently working on the J-32A bomber model but am having problems finding some detail on the engine section. I've got plenty of pics of the E with it's funky afterburner can - but what did the tail pipe of the A look like? Or the B for that matter.


Am I thinking too much about it? (Stigler need not reply) Would everyone be happy with a generic J-32 or are you interested in a seperate B with the cannon shell deflecting fins and different tailpipe shroud from the A, C and E?


Anywho - any help and or input would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by Timmy

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Hey Timmy, if you have not seen this...about 65% down this page, super detailed J-32 pylon and loadout options.


~> http://www.canit.se/~griffon/aviation/text/32lansen.htm



I would forget the E. The sim is so lite on EW simulation...well, we can use an A, unless you have the time.


You need help with FM?

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Thanks Lexx, PM inbound.


The real questions I have are the rear of the fuselage - some have a shroud that goes from the camo demarcation to the base of the tail - and some don't. I don't have enough reference material to figure out which version is which. I'm thinking that's the A and the B has no shroud. Verification would be appreciated.

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I had never heard of this beast before this thread, but in researching, it looks like Wrench, the has;




He seems to have made a loading screen for it already, some time ago.


Best of luck...

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Yeah its a really smooth plane with great utility. As for the looks, I like to think a cross between F-80 and Hunter.

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I've got a great walkaround of a B. The thing is - the more I research, the more confused I get as to what I'm looking at. Some of the information out there is inconsistent. Welcome to the WWW...

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I had never heard of this beast before this thread, but in researching, it looks like Wrench, the has;




He seems to have made a loading screen for it already, some time ago.


Best of luck...



Hi there ,

here's a some good links about the J-32 Lansen ... (most in english, otherwize I can translate for you ...)





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This is what the burnercan looks like now. It's the can from the B as that's what my drawings show.




However, I've seen lots of pics that show a different can. Look at the can on this pic that is listed as an A.



So is this one...




Here is what I have so far.



Edited by Timmy

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Hey woah that does look pretty good. Nice can you got there Timmy.

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Lexx - You've got mail!

Edited by Timmy

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