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after patch strange shader

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Maybe I have missed some stuff, had no acces to the inet and was on vacation but my water shader look a bit wired how to fix it? Can someone help me please or direct me to a link, cause the search function doesn`t work for me???



Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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in the xxxxxx_DATA of the Terrain







LowDetailMesh=-1.0 ------------------ here

WaterMesh=0.8 ------------------ here

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Blackbird, don't feel bad...the search function don't work for most people -- including me!!!


Along with the fix christian posted, there are several other "issues" that have cropped up. Check in the "official patch Thread", sticked around here somewhere, and the "things you need to update thread", also stickied here someplece.


There's been a LOT of discussion and listing of terrain fixes.



kevin stein

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Hey Blackbird, there's a fix in the KB. Dave started it, and I added something which may help too. It took BOTH procedures to get rid of that in my terrains.

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Ok I used christians method ... seems that the shader disapear, have to look into the KB


my terrain mehs looks like this for vietnam???














//12288 //6144





aren`t those numbers high enough?!

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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yeah, those AlphaObject numbers are good. The HeightOffset entries should do the trick. but I'd still look at that post in the KB. POST SepPatch has less entries inder [HeightOffset] than before so just adding the two lines may cause problems down the road.

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