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After installing the Oct '08 patch, some decals on my zurtech F-86F-15 are gone. I got it from the Column 5 site and I use the default skin. Are there other third-party aircraft that have that same problem too?

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Did you manually set aircraft numbers in the loadout menu ?

If not, I think that the game engine picked a higher number than you have decals available... that happens sometime.

E.g. you have decals for #1 to 16, but the game engine randomly picked number 24 and up for youor flight.... thus no decals.

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All the Sabres are "lacking" in Buzz and serial numbers. That is to say, there'e aren't enough of them.


Rename the Numbers.lst to "xNumbers.lst". This'll cause the Game Engine ™ to recycle them back to the beginning after hitting the end (the same as the stock Migs, as they don't have a numbers.lst)


1) if you look in the decals folder "D", you'll find there's no xxx000.tga -for both the serial and buzz numbers. Just rename that stray one, the one without the number, adding the 000. This one glitch is in ALL the original Sabre skins. Been that way since first released.


2) check the pathway for ALL the decals...the Game Engine ™ wants the FULL file pathway ie:


Example, using the E-10 just because




3) for your missing tail checks -- answered elsewhere too, same thing; you'll need to add the full pathway











in the example shown above, the Tail_R.tga is still residing inthe main folder. Personally, I'd move it to the skin folder "USAFSilver1", and change the path accordingly. IE:




do the same for the Left side one as well.


Like I said above, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE EARLY SKINS ARE LIKE THIS, AND WILL NEED THE CHANGES. The only one that aren't are my 54th FIW "The Hunters" skin, and the 461st FDS for the F-86F-40



kevin stein

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Also are there other 3-rd party planes having the same problem too, of not having their decals displayed after the Oct '08 patch?

Edited by Commander31

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Yep, all decal.ini's will have to be changed in all mods to the format Wrench posted above to include the aircraft folder. Unless it's a bug and TK releases a hot fix...

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So will you release the Sabre skins with the changes?



It'll take you approx. 3 seconds to effect the name changes on the tgas


It should take another minute to change the pathways in the decals ini. Depending on how fast you can type :wink:


Also are there other 3-rd party planes having the same problem too, of not having their decals displayed after the Oct '08 patch?


Probably. :dntknw:

Haven't seen any yet though....of course, I've "fixed" 98.6% ™ of them since the SP3 (or was it 4?) in '06 that messed things up.



kevin stein

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Yep, all decal.ini's will have to be changed in all mods to the format Wrench posted above to include the aircraft folder. Unless it's a bug and TK releases a hot fix...


This 'bug/glitch/whatever' has been around long before the Oct 2008 patch. Also, IMHO it's actually not TK's fault. The game simply assumes that there are 100 level 2 (individual aircraft stuff, like Buzz numbers, etc.) decals for each skin. Most 3rd party skins usually have 12-16 level 2 decals.


And to be honest, I'm not really convinced that removing the numbers.lst will change anything, since I do think that the game simply doesn't check how many decals are actually there. The RNG simply picks a number between 0-99 and that's it. The Alias.lst, introduced with the Sept 2008 patch, however may offer a workaround. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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I am resisting biting your head off only because I've just finished eating.


These mods are done by folks in their spare time. If they constantly had to update each and everyone of their mods (especially for some who are prolific in their mods) and reuploaded them, they wouldn't have time for anything else.


You get these mods for free, and it is not up to the original creators to update them as the game engine gets patched and advanced. If they do it, that's great and we appreciate it. But they are under no obligation to do so...and don't assume you have ANY right to demand it.


You are being rude. Wrench, The has given you the tools to fix it yourself. Learn by doing.



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