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Has anyone tried using FRAPS since the latest patch? For some reason it doesn't want to record a movie or anything else. I can see it responding on my second screen when I press the hot key to move the FPS counter, but again nothing. I've used it fine before without doing anything special and was wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

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It works with me, I just checked.


My version is 2.9.4 build 7037

Edited by The_Editor

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No issues with screenshots, but I infrequently take movies anywho...

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Hmm, I'm using 2.9.5, build 7472. I remember having issues recording FSX when I upgraded, it would only do full screen not maximised on one screen* whereas before it had been fine. Might see if I can revert.


*It seemed to interlace my two displays so every other frame would be my desktop.


Edited to add: Just upgraded to FRAPS 2.9.6 and it all works fine.

Edited by SkippyBing

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I'm still able to record fine at 1280x720x30 Frames/ec using fraps 2.9.2 build 6725 (yeah i havent updated it in a while)

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